Dear Life, Why Be So Cruel?

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Dear life,

Unnoticed, I've been all my life.

Wishing to be noticed was a forbiden desire. But then, when wishes are suddenly made, life has made a drastic turn, turning myself into "that" girl. Was it what I really wanted? Wasn't this what I wished for? Wasn't all this I desired?

To be noticed.

To be smart.

To be pretty and popular like them.

But now I wish for none, I wish for nothing, I wish for none of this. I want not to be noticed, I want to not be her favourite, I want not to be there like "them".


I don't want to be noticed, I don't want to be popular, I don't want to be smart, I don't want to be her favourite and I don't want to be continuously locked in a cage like a bird.

I want to be free, spread my wings and fly away.

I don't want to be continuously hold down, being in track. Sometimes, even the tamest bird would like to fly- fly with the clouds. Be one with the wind and worship the skies.

Leave me alone, let me be free.

Don't look out for me, don't stop me from being myself and don't stop me from being with whom I want. I want to be me!

Dear life, and I wonder, why be so cruel at times?

Why make us suffer when there can be nothing but peace and love?

Yours truly, me.

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