Dear Insecure Me

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Dear insecure me,

You never cease to leave me be, alone I wish to suffer, at least that'll be in peace. Do you find solace in my misery? I wonder what life may have been without you, or I wished for it but yet again, nothing works my way or the other. It's as if I'm cursed for eternal. Like a genie in a bottle, but with more self concerned boundaries, more self awareness, more disgracing myself.

I wondered, I do. So much, so that all the time, I'm lost in thoughts.

Changed, some may say I've become but haven't you noticed the signs before? Or if they were really any in the first place... But yet again, life goes on, stuck in time I stay, like Jasmine in the time glass, just uniform the sand stays.

If I was prettier, would it have been better? 

Would you love me for me?

If I wasn't timid like I usually am, would you help me break out of that shell?

Would you accept me as I am?


Yours, insecure me.

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