Dear Love

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Dear Love,

Tell me, tell me how am I to unlove someone?

How am I to forget the one that gave me a reason to love, showed me how to and why? Tell me how am I to forget the little things that person did, when it's the littlest things that mattered. How am I to just forget my undying love for that person? All the late night talks, the little messages, the smiles and laughter that brought those moments together. 

How am to forget that all?

The bone crushing hugs, the little pecks on the lips, the little, comfort hand-in-hand moments we shared; just how? How am I to forget? Was all that we had meant nothing to you, even if it did, did you not feel that pain afterwards? Now tell me, tell me how am I to forget that I loved you heartly and solely?

Tell me, please, just tell me, how am I to unlove the person who made me love in the first place?

Yours sincerely, my heart.

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