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I'm lost, lost in thoughts.
My mind seems to wonder as my vessel sits still.
Entering many worlds, various with different heavens and hells.

It's not scary just thinking about it,
But going there,
Being there are something I'd never wish on my worst enemy.

It's like the stars are falling,
Shattering as it touches the earth.
The sun withers away and no one seems to notice there.

Clouds that float gloriously,
Slowly fades away to nothing.
And yet no one seems to notice, but me.

It's like things have suddenly been reversed or has just gotten crazy.
It's like the meaning of these elements suddenly got lost.
No one knows how, no one cares.

And now I see myself, getting lost.

Just like the golden sun,
The diamond-like stars.
And the giant, white clouds.

Eunoia • Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now