Worthy Of Love

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Suck in a time loop of memories, I've been.

Life goes on, and yet I remain.

Depressing moods of sorts, mind filled with whispers from them.

Demons who mutter the truth,

Rare ones to find yet low and behold they reside.

Sulking in corners, no one to help.

I'm fine doesn't really say it all.

I want you to notice, but then again, no.

I want you to see how much I break inside.

Yet then there's part of me that says it's useless.

For someone else he belongs, whole heart and soul.

And here I am, just a fragment of it all.

The distraction perhaps, sad indeed.

And life goes on, and yet I remain.

Sulking in corners, no one to help.

I want you to notice, yet again, not.

I knew I wasn't worthy, so why'd you stay?

Eunoia • Book OneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя