It's For Me

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Days goes by, some slowly and some fast.
Some eventful, and others not.
It feels different, not relaxed or hectic.

It feels like I'm stuck in time,
I'm just not getting anywhere, mentally.
I feel nothing, numb perhaps.

It's quiet inside there, which isn't normal, right?
I've asked for peace and quiet, to make it stop.
But when it finally does, is it what I really wanted?

I can't hear them, feel them nor see them.
The demons inside just disappeared into thin air.
The voices muted, the trampling stopped.

It's too quiet and it scares me, a lot.

So now, I finally think to myself.
Those thoughts, they're back again.
And now I know why it was so quiet.

The uncomfortable silence, I should've listen closely.
Now I hear them, loud and clear.
Toxic thoughts, those thoughts of the past has returned.

Escape, I cannot seem to.
Memories of the past has caught up to me.
Bringing back the hurting, suffering and numbness.

The whispers were once gone, suspicion rised.
And now they're back, rampaging in my head.
It never seems to stop, and there never will be a stopping.

My anchor was gone, as well as my reality.
And now they've come back, taunting me with the past.
Past feelings has returned, but now, I'm ready.

Because you can't break me twice.
I've healed already, it wouldn't hurt to do so twice.
I'm used to it, and will continue fighting because it's for me.

At the end, it's me, myself and I.

Eunoia • Book OneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt