I Can Still Remember

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I can still remember you from the first day I saw you,
You were the only person who I miserably looked for every day,
Just wanting to see you smile.

I've have seen you at your worst but I still think you're the best,
I'm a strong person.
But every now and then I would like someone to take my hand,
And say everything will be alright,

And I think you're the right person for that!
Because of your perfect smile, your sweet voice, your positive thinking.
I'm in love with it all.

And it drives me crazy to not catch a glimpse of your beautiful face.
It also drives me crazy to see,
Some other random guy/girl flirting with you.

It's a kind of feeling that I wouldn't understand,
But sooner or later I'll understand.
And if it's the feeling of love,
Then I'll keep on remembering you no matter if you forget me.

I'll be by your side no matter what happens.
This is my love for you do you accept me?

I'd love if you felt the same way as I feel,
But if not, I hope you remain happy,
Because seeing you happy is the most important thing to me.

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