He licked his lips, examining the muted expression she wore. While the sudden sight of 'business-[Name]' was a little amusing in itself, he didn't quite enjoy this version of the female.

No... Not amusing at all. That must be why I dislike seeing this side of her, he thought, unable to recognize any other reason.

"Surprise me."

She poured him a few shots of a dark liquid that was left behind by a friend and silently walked it over to him. He watched her every movement, like a predator stalking his prey, and saw the moment she had caught sight of something down below. "What is it?" He asked, tone forcing amusement.

She relaxed her tight jaw, turning away from both him and the window so she could sit on the couch. "There's a black Lincoln parked across the street," his brow raised, and he glanced over his shoulder towards the window, spotting it immediately. "It's parked there often, and I always noticed it, but now I'm thinking they might have had a cop assigned to watch me." Holding the neck of her glass, she sunk into the couch's cushions, head rolling to rest against the back of the couch, her eyes closing. "Maybe they follow Law," she murmured, heart aching.

Doffy swirled the dark liquid within the crystal glass, lips slowly folding down, "dogs don't drive Lincolns."

"A normal cop wouldn't be assigned to tail a member of Big Mom."

His brow twitched; she had a point. "I'll get someone to look into it," he spoke bluntly, finally sipping the drink. He'd had much better, but this would do for now.

"So, lets decide our back story. We have to have matching stories in case Smoker asks me tomorrow."


Down below, two figures were looking up at a high window, sitting comfortable in their expensive vehicle. The woman would carefully shift her gaze between the blonde man in the window, to the brunette man sitting beside her in the other seat. "Do you realize who she's talking to?" She carefully inquired, aware of the tense air that hung around them.

His knuckles whitened as he clenched them, a cigarette snapping between his teeth. "What the hell is she doing with him?" He growled, causing the woman to stay silent. There was one possibility; one she didn't dare bring up during that moment.

"This changes things you know.... Now that we know they're for sure in association."

Veins began to pop on his forearms, the anger evident.

"I'm not a fucking idiot." The engine suddenly roared to life, his large hands taking the wheel as he quickly sped away from the café.

Up above, Doffy frowned, his eyes following the black Lincoln as it drove away.



Half a bottle of wine on an empty stomach and [Name] had somehow accepted that, if anyone asked, she was his girlfriend. He slouched within the single armchair, and she sat with her legs crossed on the couch, staring at him with narrowed eyes. "Okay, so as my boyfriend we have to make some things clear, some conditions to this."

Doffy's lips curled, "and here I assumed creating our love story meant you had already agreed." [Name] shook her head, face determined. Behind his glasses he rolled his eyes, going along with the discussion, "alright. What exactly does my little mouse want?"

[Name] eyed him, "firstly"- he hummed, of course there's more than one request- "we're not having sex. This is non-physical and I will not have it at all." The man was visibly annoyed at the request.

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