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Heels echoed against the pavement, her laboured breathing sounding through her own ears as she sprinted. She couldn't feel the pinch in her ankles as she ran, eyes wide like a doe's as she tried to escape in the back alley, terrified.

What if they catch me?

Behind her, three pairs of footsteps thundered, closing the space between them.

Rounding the corner, her fate sealed... "Shit!" Bricks trapped her in, keeping her still as the footsteps neared.

[Name's] hands pressed against their rough surface, scanning her terrain for an escape. Eyes grew glossy.


[Name] swallowed, slowly turning to face the men across from her. Her expression was brave, her eyes ridding of their gloss, replaced with fire. But inside, she felt her mouth go dry, her heart drumming against her ears.

...Help me.

[14 hours earlier...]

It came to her surprise, as [Name] woke up around nine in the morning, that she had slept soundly throughout the night. She woke within the plush duvet, sun breaking through the sheer curtains in her room. She laid there for a moment, staring through the glass to the bright blue sky, playing the previous night's events over and over in her mind.

Today she did not have to worry about baking or trying to impress anyone. Today, she should find out whether she had impressed the family enough, if she had gained her freedom. Its been just over a week since she was brought here, and each day felt like a blur. Part of her felt... what, exactly?

A week is a long time for her to not have been approached by an officer; was no one looking for her? ....Did no one care? The thought made her chest tight, imagining an empty café, a quiet kitchen.... Her lonely apartment, just atop of her bakery. Perhaps her employees, but if that were the case, then why hadn't Rebecca or Viola call the cops and report her as a missing person? Not that [Name] exactly wanted this, because... Well, complications.

A knock on her door broke her thoughts, eyes quickly snapping to the wooden door in front of her. Before she could even respond, a blurry silhouette burst through the door; a blur of black was all she saw before being tackled deeper into the mattress. "Morning [Name]~ You still need me don't you?!"


"[N-Name]?! Do you not need me?!"

As the woman pulled away, her chest finally peeling itself from [Name's] face, Baby 5 heard a gasped response. "I couldn't breathe!! Oh god, I thought I was going to die in there!" Propped up by her elbows, [Name] caught her breath with a flushed face, Baby 5 straddling her lap as she held herself an arm's length away. [Name] scanned Baby 5, still trying to process that she nearly suffocated in that woman's cleavage.

Baby 5 wore a black satin night gown while her hair was pinned up in a high ponytail; basically, it allowed the optimum amount of cleavage, hence why [Name] nearly suffocated. "Um, please don't do that again, but, yeah sure, I still need you?" Baby 5's face lit up, and she lunged forward, causing [Name] to flinch.

But the woman was suddenly stopped, halted mid lunge. [Name] frowned, looking at the awkward position Baby 5 held; the woman's expression showed that she was confused as well. Fufuffufu

"Ah, so THIS is why you keep rejecting my advances~" Her entire face went red as the tall, blonde man started to walk from his position in the doorway. His fingers twitched, and Baby 5 sat back up, looking unfazed by Doflamingo's presence.

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