Empty Bed

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He inhales, avoiding my eyes as he whispers, "I'm going to be a father."

A second passes as I stare at his face. I'm frozen. But then...

I burst out laughing, doubling over. I feel Klaus's eyes pierce into mine. Glancing up, he stares at me in bewilderment. This just makes me laugh louder. After a few seconds, I calm down enough to stand up fully and face him again. He just watches me, clearly waiting for me to say something. I start to laugh again.

Frustrated with my childish behavior, Klaus runs a hand through his hair before turning away from me and pacing. When my laughter dies down again, he faces me. "I...I just didn't expect you to...to react this way. Did you even hear what I said?" He asks, taking hold of my shoulders as he looks at me.

I smile up at him, biting my lip to keep me from laughing at my words. "Yeah, you said your going to be a father."

"And you find that funny?" He meant to say it as a statement but it came out as more of a question.

"Well duh! I mean, you're joking, right? Vampires can't procreate." I roll my eyes. "Now what did you really want to tell me?" At my words, a realization seems to come over Klaus. And at the look that comes across his face, I begin to grow anxious. Wait, was he not joking? I mean is that even possible? What the hell is going on here?

Klaus sighs, looking me dead in the eyes. "Lily, I'm not just a vampire. I'm a Hybrid-"

"Yeah I know. Half vamp, half wolf, what does that have to do with anything?" I question, not getting it. He is taking this joke way too far.

"Love, I don't think you are understanding me clearly. Because I am half werewolf that means that I can still procreate if I were to..." he trails off seeing the look on my face.

I step away from him as I stare at him incredulously. "You have got to be kidding me." My voice is a deathly low as I glare at him.

"Lily-" he starts, taking a step towards me, but I step away.



"Who?" I demand.

And at the name he offers, my heart drops. "Hayley."

Panic sweeps across his face as he awaits my response. His body is tense as his eyes roam my face. I process the information. Klaus and Hayley. Hayley and Klaus. Thoughts stir and spin in my head as I look at the man in front of me.


Klaus drops his head. When he doesn't answer, I repeat my question. "That night," he whispers. "The night you left me after Damon convinced you that something was going on between us."

My body physically reacts to his statement as I stumble back. Frustration flutters beneath my skin. "So you decide to prove him right by sleeping with her?" I ask in disbelief.

Klaus's eyes flick to mine, a nervousness sparkling in them. "Don't be angry, love. I-"

"Angry?" I repeat with a glare. "Trust me babe, I'm past angry."

"It was a one-night thing," he says like that makes his actions all the more acceptable. He waits for my response, but then seems to think better of it as he begins to ramble. "It was meaningless! It meant absolutely nothing! Neither of us even knew that a kid was possible until the witches did their witchy thing. And that's why I'm scheming against Marcel. Because the witches threatened my unborn child if I didn't help them and-" he stops himself. "You're not saying anything, please say something."

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