27. Veronica's cousin Miguel

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Lydia blocks Scott from sitting next to Allison in English class, so he sits slightly behind her. He asks her if he can send her some stuff on his phone that he thought she might like. He sends her photos of them together. They are learning about Iago from Othello and the way in which he preyed upon Othello's jealousy. Allison gets upset by the photos and leaves class. Scott runs after her. She asks him if he sent her the photos to try to make her feel even worse for breaking up with him. She tells him she needs more time to get to just friends and then walks away. Scott wanders back to class.

In the lunchroom, Stiles asks Scott about the necklace. Scott tells him what happened and admits that he knows nothing about girls. Stiles announces that he has a Plan B: just steal the stupid thing. Scott asks if they can try talking to Mr. Harris instead, but Stiles tells him he's under 24-hour protective detail. Just then Scott notices that Jackson is staring at them from across the room. Jackson then bites into an apple and watches curiously as Scott reacts to the sound. Then he tries talking to him without raising his voice. Scott tries to pretend that he can't hear him, but Stiles can tell something is wrong. Scott urges Stiles to talk to him like everything is normal so he won't have to listen to Jackson, but Stiles flails because his mind is a complete blank.

Jackson has disappeared from the lunchroom, but he keeps asking Scott what else he can do. Jackson taunts Scott about being a cheater at lacrosse, and Scott starts to get angry. Jackson again threatens to ruin any chance Scott has with Allison if he doesn't get the Bite. Then he tells him he's going to have sex with her. Scott gets so angry he breaks his lunch tray in half trying to hold it in. Jackson smirks at him from the corner of the lunchroom and crunches into his apple.

Jackson and Allison race in the swimming pool. He wins and tells her that he has an unfair advantage with his aerodynamically perfect cheekbones. Scott goes up into the bleachers around the pool and sits down near Allison's bag, trying to look nonchalant. He starts going through her things. Jackson asks Allison if she's coming to the game and insists that she does when she says no. He tells her that Scott wants her to be there and hoped that she wouldn't feel weird about it. Jackson flirts with her more and splashes her. Scott doesn't find the necklace.

Lydia approaches Jackson in the hallway with Veronica and tells him that his text isn't funny. He agrees. He's breaking up with her. He asks for his spare house key back and tells her that he's decided to drop some of the dead weight in his life. She can't believe that she's been dumped.

"God Jackson. You're such a dick." Veronica said grabbing Lydia's arm and pulling her away from the boy, glaring at him as she left.

Stiles and Veronica hurry into his bedroom and straight for his computer. They don't notice Derek standing in the corner. Sheriff Stilinski calls from the hallway, and as Stiles turns to answer, he sees Derek standing there. Derek motions for him to answer his father, and Stiles flies toward the door to keep his dad from coming in the room. The Sheriff tells him that he's got some work to do but intends to see him play his first game. "I'm really happy for, and I'm very proud of you," Papa Stilinski says. They have an awkward conversation of smiles and hugs. The Sheriff keeps trying to decide what's wrong with his son but doesn't question it too much.

As soon as Stiles is back in his room, Derek shoves him up against the door and threatens him. Stiles tells him that if he's harboring his fugitive ass, it's his house and his rules. Derek sort of nods at him and lets him go, but not without a little aggressive exchange to make sure Stiles is still afraid of him. Veronica chucked at the two boys. Derek asks about the necklace, and Stiles tells him that he's still trying to get it. He has another idea, though. The night at the school, Allison got a text telling her to meet them there. Stiles thinks they can trace the text back to the original sender.

Danny is incredulous at Stiles's request that he trace a text. "I came here to do lab work." Danny wants to know why Stiles thinks he can do such a thing, and Stiles admits to looking up Danny's arrest report. "I was 13, they dropped the charges." He refuses to help, much to Stiles's annoyance. As Danny pulls up a chair to do lab work, he looks back at Derek, who is sitting in a chair next to Stiles's bed, reading. "Who is he again?"

"My's cousin. Miguel." Veronica said quickly. This rather obvious lie likely gives Danny the impression that "Miguel" is actually Veronica' secret older boyfriend, especially given what happens next, Derek glances up at them but doesn't say anything. Danny asks if Miguel has blood on his shirt, and Veronica tells him that he gets horrible nose bleeds. "Hey, Miguel. I thought I told you you could borrow one of Stiles's shirts." Stiles gives Derek a look and motions him toward the dresser.

Derek scowls at him but gets up to do it. He strips off his bloody shirt, and Stiles starts telling Danny about how he knows he has the skills to do the trace. Derek interrupts to tell Stiles that the shirt "No fit." Stiles snarks at him to try something else on but then notices that Danny is staring at Derek. Derek puts one shirt on, and Stiles plays up asking Danny if it looks any good.

Derek puts on his grumpiest face and waits as Veronica supressed a laugh at the man's face. "It's not really his color," Danny says, and Derek strips that one off.

"You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you Danny boy," Stiles says making Veronica laugh.

"You're a horrible person," Danny replies.

"I know. It keep me awake at night." Stiles pressures him again about the text, and Derek again tells him that none of the shirts fit while standing around shirtless. Veronica stared at him for a few seconds before clearing her throat and looking away at Stiles.

Danny gives in.

Stiles is quite proud of himself.

Derek manages to find a gray shirt that fits and stands over them as Danny works. Danny tells them that the text was sent from a computer at the Beacon Hills Hospital registered to Melissa McCall.

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