21. Sour Wolf

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The three friends sat in detention bored. Veronica had pulled up a chair so that she was sitting infront of Scott. He put his bloody tissue down on her paper causing the girl to move infront of Stiles. The sour taste leaving as she took a drink of her water.

   "Excuse me, sir? Uh, I know it's detention and all, but, uh... I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired." Scott said to mr. Harris who ignored him before turning to Stiles,"You knew I would heal."


    "So, you did that to help me learn?" Scott questioned.


    "...But partially to punish me."  Scott added.

    "Yeah. Well, that one's obvious." Stiles admitted proudly making Veronica chuckle.

    "Dude, you're my best friend, and I can't have you being angry with me." Scott said to him sadly.

    "I'm not angry anymore." Stiles said causing the corner of Veronica's mouth to turn up into a smile before Stiles sighed,"Look. You have something, Scott, okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do. You and Ronnie. So, that means you don't have a choice anymore-- it means you have to do something."

    "I know. And I will." Scott nodded. "What about you Veronica?"

    "Oh I was honestly only mad at you because Stiles was. It was like emotional support angry." Veronica said.

    "All right, all three of you-- out of here." Mr. Harris said to them.

    "Thank you." Scott said as they all collected their things to leave.

    "This is a terrible idea.” Stiles said as Scott, Veronica, and Stiles were standing outside the school again hours later waiting for Derek.

    "Yeah, I know." Scott sighed.

    "But we're still gonna do it...?" Veronica questioned.

    "Can you guys think of something better?" Scott asked glancing between the two.

    "Well, personally, I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away..." Stiles said to him sarcastically as Veronica motioned to Stiles indicating that she agreed with him.

    "Just make sure we can get inside." Scott said resulting in Stiles reaching into the back of his jeep and pulling out bolt cutters.

    "He's here." Veronica said as she watched Derek's car pull up.

    "Where's my boss?" Scott asked as Derek got out.

    "He's in the back." Derek sighed as the three looked in the back of the car seeing Deaton tied up with tape on his mouth.

    Oh, well, he looks comfortable." Stiles retorted sarcastically.

Veronica rolled her eyes at the boys,"Hey Derek. How you been? Get shot recently?" She joked earning a glare from the wolf.

    "Wait. Hey. What are you doing?" Derek asked the kids.

    "You said I was linked with the Alpha-- I'm gonna see if you're right." Scott said to him before the two boys walked off leaving Derek and Veronica alone.

For a few seconds, Veronica was silent. She didn't know what to say. Then she said,“We're idiots by the way.” Derek looked down at her. “I mean we're only 16. We have these incredible abilities, except Stiles of course, and we're really immature.”

    “What does this mean?” He asked her, uncrossing his arms.

    “What I mean is that.. I'm a witch. I'm not a werewolf. But I know that you had to learn control. And that's how you are the way you are. You don't go out every full moon trying to kill people. You have control over your emotions.” She said she looked down at her feet. “I don't have that. I lost my mom when i was little. And my died not that long ago. It was my fault. He was picking me up from my ex boyfriend's house and there was a driver. He had to swerve.” She let out a breath, she was getting off topic. She didn't want to get off topic,“I wanted to say that if you're already helping Scott.. and if you wouldn't mind. Can you help me too?”

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