8. The Hunter's Daughter

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During school, Veronica, with sun glasses on, stood at her locker staring at it in confusion. She felt as though something bad was going to happen to her. And sometime soon. It was a feeling that she couldn't shake despite how hard she wanted. And that was the only reason she flinched when she saw someone standing patiently behind her locker door as she shut it.

"You scared me." she said with a light laugh causing the boy to smile slightly.

His hair was curly and brown, he was significantly taller than her, his eyes were a beautiful diamond blue and he held a shy smile onto his face. "Hello." he spoke quietly.

"Hi. I'm sorry. You look familiar but I'm like really bad with names so help me out here. It's something Lahey right?" she asked politely.

"Isaac. Issac Lahey." he muttered as the girl smile at him brightly as she slung her bag over her shoulder, she held out her hand for him to shake.

"Nice to officially meet you, Isaac." she said as he grabbed her hand,"Veronica Navarro."

"Yeah. I know. We have chemistry. I mean like together. I mean we have Chemistry 3rd period together." he said looking down to his shoes, not letting go of the girl's hand until he looked back up at her and realized he was still holding it, his face turned red as he turned his head so she couldn't see him blush. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go out. Like on a date with me?" he asked her nervously.

"Oh. Well um. I'd love to, honestly, but with cheer,and managing the lacrosse team, plus the fact that I'm working two jobs and that's not even counting school and homework. I really just don't have the time. I'm sorry." she explained rather uncomfortably.

"Oh no. It's alright, really." he said forcing a smile.

"It was nice meeting you, Isaac. I mean really. But honestly... I would love to go out on a date with you when I'm not so busy." she said with a soft smile. It was true, if she wasn't dealing with Scott being a werewolf she would go out on a date with him. She leaned closer and stood on her tippy toes before kissing his cheek and walking away.

After school, Scott and Veronica are waiting outside the front entrance to the school for Allison so that Scott can apologize to her. When he finally sees her leave the school and head toward the parking lot, they approach her.

"So what happened? You left me stranded at the party." Allison asked Scott as she heard them coming.

"Yeah, I-I know, I know. I'm really sorry, I am. But you're gonna have to trust that I had a really good reason." Scott said to her with a pleading, nervous voice.

"Did you get sick?" Allison asked the two, Scott sighs at the reminder of what happened on Friday.

"...definitely had an attack of something." Veronica mumbled jokingly.

"Am I gonna get an explanation? Is there something going on with you two? If so I'll back off Vee," Allison asked the two friends.

"Oh, God no." Veronica said reassured her, holding back a laugh.

"Vee has a secret thing for Stiles. It's why he's the only one who calls her Ronnie."Scott said to Allison.

"No. No I don't. And no it's not." Veronica said nervously, Scott listening to her heart skip a beat. Scott puts on his best innocent smile at that thought. "He calls me Ronnie because it's what he's been doing since Kindergarten. I don't care if other people call me Ronnie he does. So take it up with him - Hey! We're not here because Stiles has a separate nickname we're here because you were stupid so don't change the subject." Allison giggled at the girl softly. "And I don't like Stiles."

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