3. Lycanthropy

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The lacrosse team was gathered on the lacrosse field, where the players are warming up by passing the ball back and forth as other students congregate in the bleachers to watch the team play. Scott and Stiles are in the middle of a conversation as they quickly jog toward the field. In a change of dynamics from the previous night, it is now Stiles who is out of breath and trying to keep up with Scott, who seems unfazed by the exertion. 

    “But if you play, I won't have anyone to talk to on the bench! Are you really gonna do that to your best friend?” Stiles said to Scott on the lacrosse field.

    “I can't stay out again. All my life is sitting on the side lines. This season I make first line. Besides, you have Veronica.” Scott tells Stiles motioning to their female friend who was watching someone else. Allison sits on the bleachers with Lydia. Scott sees her, and smiles as she returns it. Lydia had waved at Veronica. She smiles and waves at the girl in the bleachers.

    “McCall!” Coach called out as he walked up to the boys.

    “Yeah?” he asks looking at him. Veronica leaning forward just slightly.

    “You're in goal.” he said writing on his clipboard as he walked him to the goal. 

    “I've never played.” He said getting nervous.

    “I know. Scoring some shots will bring confidence to the boys. It's a first day thing!” he said handing him the goalie gear.

    “What about me?” Scott asks.

    “Umm, Try to not take any in the face.” he said in a questioning tone as he flipped his helmet down before turning to the team, “Let's go boys!! Come on!!” he called out.

Veronica had let a yawn escape her lips as she was truly tired of the days activities. Veronica looked over to the boy with a buzz cut and offered him a small smile. He took the seat next to her and she rested her head against his shoulder as another yawn escaped her lips.

    “Why aren't you in practice?” Stiles questions her.

    “We practice on the days you guys don't so I can come watch you guys practice, manage the team with coach and still have time for cheer. Besides my baby brother is trying out for the team this year.” She smiles as she focus's on the boys. Stiles admiring her smile before pulling himself to turn away.

"Who is that?" Allison asks Lydia.

"Him? I'm not sure who he is. But he's friends with Vee. I'm sure she'd tell you if you asked." Lydia says before turning to look at her, "Why?"

    “He's in my English class.” Allison says unaware of Scott listening to their conversation.

The amplified sound of a whistle pulling Scott out of his focus on the conversation. Hurting his ears. Scott starts to be unfocused and takes a ball in his head.

Veronica had sat up straight as she gasped.

    “Scott!” Veronica called out getting up to run to her friend getting on her knees when she reaches him, “Are you okay?” she asks trying not to laugh.

    “I'm fine, Boof.”

    “I hate it when you call me that.”

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