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Jackson runs into Stiles and Veronica, and Veronica asks him if Lydia found him. Jackson can barely speak as he tries to tell them what he did.

Veronica pushed his shoulders back harshly,“What did you do? Why? Why would you do that? You idiot!” she yelled at him furiously. “I hate you, Jackson. I hate you.” Before she could stop herself, she had smacked Jackson across the face, which instantly showed her hand print. Suddenly, Jackson crumbled to the floor in pain. Stiles looked at Veronica who was glaring at him. Stiles pulled her back slightly by her shoulders.

    “Come on. We have to find Lydia.” Stiles said to her as she continued to glare at Jackson.

She gasped and Stiles was once again met with the chilling blank expression. He grabbed Veronica's hand as she turned to him urgently. It had been the second voice, the one with the unknown connection to the group. Veronica, not Veronica but the voice was rushed and distressed, which creepily contrasted with the calm look on Veronica's face."You have to hurry! Take Veronica and go out to the lacrosse field. Now! Save the girl before he kills her!" The voice said before letting Veronica go.

"Veronica. Lacrosse. Go. Now." Stiles said.

"What? How do you know that?" She asked.

"I'll explain later. We don't have time. Go." Stiles said.

Lydia goes out onto the lacrosse field looking for Jackson. The field lights start turning on, and she turns around, confused. She can't tell who the person is walking toward her, but it turns out to be Peter. Veronica comes running for her at top speed, with Stiles behind her, telling her to run, but Peter is already too close. Lydia drops to the ground, bloody, and Veronica slides to a stop next to her. She begs Peter not to kill her, and Peter grants her wish.

"Oh trust me. I won't. You're the one that I wanted."

"Well here I am!" Veronica said snappily as she attempted to go after him. Stiles held her back.


"Just tell me how to find Derek."

"I don't know that. How would I know that?" Stiles asks, terrified.

    "Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles." Stiles tells him that he thinks Derek knew he was going to be caught and stole Scott's phone while they were fighting, so he could be found via GPS.

Veronica tells Peter that they're not leaving Lydia bleeding on the ground, and that she will not . Peter tips her under the chin with his claws and forces her to stand. Veronica can call Jackson and or Mattheo and tell him where Lydia is, but that's all the allowance Peter is giving her. Veronica makes the call.

Before leaving with Peter, she put her hand on Lydia's stomach,“Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Mulas Ahala.” the would had healed just slightly.

Veronica, Stiles, and Peter are in the Jeep heading off to find Derek. Peter tells her not to feel bad, because if Lydia lives she'll become a werewolf. "Yeah, and once a month she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear me apart."

"Well, actually, considering that she's a woman, twice a month," Peter rejoins. Stiles just gives him a look.

"I'm not scared of you. And next time you say something like that you'll be deader than Laura." Veronica said as Peter groaned in pain. Veronica held it for a couple of seconds before letting him go.

    “Witch.” Peter said with murderous look, Veronica gave him a smirk.

    “She must really hate you because she's a fake pacifist.”

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