1. Half A Dead Body

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Veronica Navarro, a young spiritual and celestial, sixteen year old girl. Smarter, and Richer, than most kids her age. She gets government checks because of her mom's passing in a fire, and then more government checks because her father passed away in a car accident last year. Although her money didn't by her happiness. That was her best friends Stiles and Scott. Most people steered clear of that particular group of boys. But Veronica on the other hand she had several friends like Lydia and Jackson. She'd watch movies like the notebook with them. People wanted to be in their group so badly. She was sarcastic. Although she wasn't usually angry, her attitude catastrophic when upset, usually resulting in exploding lights. But when she was in a good mood she was loving and sweet. But the trouble she and her friends would get in was unimaginable. Veronica was used to being surrounded by a lot of people. She had six older sisters and a little brother. Though she only sees her aunt, Selena and her brother now.

Veronica's Aunt had just left to go check out something in the woods. Veronica had a head ache and asked her Abuelita for some pain meds. Needless to say her Abuelita sent her to her father's office with a wink.

Veronica smiled a knowing smile at her grandma, and went to her father's office anyway. She always felt weird when she came in here. Her father loved collecting herbs and scentless candles back when she was still alive. And no one had been in the office since.

Veronica slowly twisted the door knob before pushing the door slightly. She looked around the room even though she knew no one was in there. She made her way into the room and began looking through the herbs for the pain killers. Out of place, hidden behind the herbs was a dusty book, she recognized. Veronica slowly pulled it out and blew on it causing the dust to fly everywhere. Veronica let out a soft cough before wiping the rest of the dust away. She carefully looked through the pages since the book looked as though it was in it's last year. The words were Latin or some other language she didn't know. She swiped her tongue on her abnormally sharp canine teeth as she attempted to read the words.

She was interuppted by the notification bell on her phone that had made her jump out of her skin with a gasp.

Chandler Stilinski-

Meet me outside ASAP.

"Informative." She muttered pocketing the phone. She was going to leave the book in the office but decided against it and hid it underneath her bed. She grabbed her special peppermint oil and dabbed on her temple and behind her ears to help with her headache.

When she made her way outside she had seen her best friend, Stiles scoffed at her outfit while leaning against the passenger door of his iconic blue jeep. Weirdly the secondhand jeep looked like it didn't belong in her large driveway, and definitely not infront of her large Victorian house. "Hey." She said with a slight lisp, while hugging her jacket around her body as she approached him.

"Hey, Ronnie." He beamed at her, glancing down at her necklace which he had gotten her for her fifteenth birthday, it was a little dove because the first time he'd ever seen her she was sitting on the playground surrounded by a flock doves. They were in kindergarten at the time."Got your retainer in yet? I can tell you're not wearing your contacts so I'm just wondering. Are those your pajamas? They're very you."

Veronica gave Stiles an unimpressed look while taking out her retainer with a scowl and placed it in her small bag. "I'd hit you if I wasn't a fake pacifist." Stiles let out a laugh at her words and actions. "So what's so important that it couldn't wait until morning?" She asked in a soft voice, her Emerald eyes were looking at her him, like a tigress.

Stiles had always been the one to drag his two friends into trouble. And if it wasn't that he'd wake them up at ungodly hours to tell them things that he deemed important like when the next batman movie was coming up. The last time he had done that Veronica scowled at him while shutting the door in his face - she was more of a Marvel girl herself. And if it wasn't Marvel that she was watching it was Harry Potter or shows like Criminal Minds and Grey's Anatomy. There were the occasional times that Veronica would watch a romance movie. But they'd have to have a tragedy in it because if the tv show or movie hadn't made her cry atleast once or twice she didn't enjoy it.

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