25. Lunatic

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Stiles arrives at Scott's house and uses a key to get in. Melissa is surprised to see him, and Stiles tells her that he got a key made. He drops the bag he's carrying on the floor, and it rattles. He tells her it's a school project. She asks him if Scott is okay. "He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore. Not like he used to." Stiles admits that Scott's had a rough week. They wish each other a safe night, and Melissa makes a joke about it being the full moon. Stiles stops dead. But she goes on to say that the ER gets crazy on a full moon.

Stiles heads up to Scott's room and turns on the light to find Scott sitting in his chair by the window, mirroring Derek's creeper moves from earlier. "Dude, you scared the hell out of me." Scott tells him that he came in through the window. He glares at Stiles and says that he's fine as Stiles opens the bag to show him the chains he bought. Scott says that he's just going to lock the door and go to sleep, but Stiles tells him he has a serial killer look in his eyes that's starting to freak him out. Stiles asks Scott to take a look in the bag.

Scott picks up a fist full of chains. "You think I'm going to let you put these on? Chain me up like a dog?" "Actually, no," Stiles replies. He dives at Scott and handcuffs his wrist to the radiator. Stiles tells him that he's protecting him from himself and punishing him for making out with Veronica.

Meanwhile, Veronica's father's grimoire was opened as she was transferring everything over to her own journal. The old grimoire was old and huge. Veronica figured that it would be much more practical if she transfered it to something smaller. Veronica let out a tired yawn but needed to find away to stay awake seeing as everytime she closed her eyes she seen her mom in a fire. Or a dark room that led to nothing. 

Stiles goes back into Scott's room and pours some water into a dog bowl for him. Scott chucks it at him. "I'm gonna kill you!" Stiles yells at him for kissing Veronica, the only girl he's ever wanted. He's been telling himself that it's all just because of the full moon and Scott will stop being a dumbass once it's over. But Scott goads him further by telling him that Veronica kissed him. Stiles leaves the room as Scott describes how Veronica had her hands all over him and would have done anything he wanted.

Mattheo had walked into Veronica's doorway. She was busy going through the grimoire to notice him until he had knocked. Veronica looked up and smiled at him.


"Hey. How are you?" He asked her.

"I've been better."

"I took the dogs out. Can I come in?"

"Yeah of course." She said to him while leaning over to pat a spot on her bed. "You know you don't have to walk on eggshells around me right? I'm okay." She said smiling at her brother.

Scott struggles against the handcuffs and starts begging Stiles to let him out. "It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose." His expression shifts, like he knows this is the best play he has, so he keeps going. He admits that Allison broke up with him and tells Stiles that he feels completely hopeless. Stiles tells him that he can't let him out.

As the light from the full moon hits Scott, he shifts and starts screaming. 

Stiles sits in the hallway listening to Scott screaming and almost cries. But then all of a sudden the screaming stops. Stiles goes in to check on him to find the handcuffs broken open.

Scott runs through the woods heading straight for Allison. He finds her talking to Jackson. Jackson is telling her how he saw a shape that looked like a man, but then it got down on all fours and ran away. It moved like an animal. Scott thinks he sees them kissing and gets angrier. He makes a run for the car. Scott lands on the roof, but before he can attack, Derek tackles him and sends him flying.

Scott tries to fight him, but Derek doesn't fight back, instead dodging and throwing him without trying to hurt him. Derek slams him into the ground and then roars in his face. This seems to break Scott's bloodlust, and he gives Derek a confused look. "What's happening to me?" he asks. "Exactly what he wants to happen," Derek replies.

Stiles was driving toward the preserve to look for Scott, but when he arrives there are police cars and an ambulance. They wheel out a dead body. Stiles thinks it's his father, and he gives him a big hug when it turns out it isn't. The Sheriff looks confused and concerned as he hugs him back.

The Argents roll up, and Kate points out Stiles as one of Allison's friends. She asks Chris whether the smaller of the two betas he came across could have also been younger. They give Stiles a knowing look.

Derek brings Scott back home. Scott manages a thanks, and Derek looks so unsure of what to do with that that he turns to leave immediately. Scott asks him to wait. "I can't do this. I can't be this and be with Allison." He asks Derek if there's a cure. Derek tells him that he doesn't know if it's true, but the only thing he's heard is that you have to kill the one that bit you. Scott looks distraught, because that seems pretty impossible. Derek offers that if Scott helps him find him, they can kill him.

Veronica had scrolled through her and Stiles's messages. She's been trying to get a hold of him for the last hour, but he hadn't responded to any of her messages and she was beginning to get worried. She let out a sigh before calling him.

The second he picked up she let out a relieved sigh,“So you are alive.” she said.

    “What?” he asked slightly confused.

    “Well you didn't answer my last one hundred texts so I figured you were either ignoring me or you were dead. You're not dead so you we're obviously ignoring me and I'd like to know why.” she said with a stern voice.

    “You kissed Scott, Veronica.” he said simply.

    “I did what? I didn't kiss him he kissed me and I pushed him away.” Veronica said with slight disbelief,“I wouldn't do that to Alli. She's my best friend. anyways I was calling to make sure you were alive. I'll see you tomorrow. Promise.” she said before hanging up. She threw her phone acrossed her bed. Stiles Stilinski felt like an idiot.

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