"Move!" a man yelled, pushing me out of the way as he and his team put a stretcher on the floor. All of them moving like a well-oiled machine.

Now don't get me wrong. If this were any other situation, I would've put a bullet between their eyes for the blatant lack of disrespect towards the Second's wife. However, as this situation was a situation that risked Samantha's life, I let it slide, letting my pride get bruised a bit.

Oh well, my ego was getting bigger with each passing day anyways.

"We will be going now." one of them told me as they carried Samantha's limp body towards the open ambulance doors, Ace only a few steps behind him, gait firm and unbending.

Honestly, I wasn't even surprised that Ace managed to keep his cool and act like nothing was wrong when everything was wrong. I should really learn from him, but I guess I really just couldn't help myself.

I never thought that my best friend would be at death's door any time soon, so the fact that she was, had me reeling and realizing that she meant a lot to me. I probably wouldn't be able to survive without her and I'm sure that Samantha would feel the same if I'm our positions were reversed.


"How is she?" I asked urgently when Marco and I arrived at Salvatore's house, Ace already at the front door as the medics stormed into the house, having no regards for anyone else but Samantha.

"She's not stable right now." Ace replied coldly, "But let the professionals do their work. We have someone you might want to meet."


"Your sister."


Right. My sister. The sister I haven't seen in nearly ten years, since she was what... Fourteen?

"Come on," he said, as he led me inside the house, where Salvatore and his brothers were.

We entered the living room, and I stopped at the sight in front of me.

Alicia stood there, facing off against Salvatore as her lips pulled back into a sneer.

"I told you! I am not a traitor!"

"And how am I supposed to know that?" Salvatore retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ask Samantha! Ask your daughter! Ask yourself! God, I don't know. You know that would never betray you guys, especially not my sister and Samantha!" she yelled, a hint of frustration in her tone as she tugged on the roots of her hair.

"No, I don't know that." Salvatore replied hotly. "For all I know, you came back from the Irish and brought Amara and Rosy here so that you can get information out of us and go crawling back to Aiden Murphy. I don't even know if Rosy is even my daughter!"

At his words, Alicia froze as understanding dawned in her eyes.

It wasn't looking good for her right now. Her story, although plausible, wasn't exactly believable, and won't be until we had a blood test done on Rosy and Salvatore, confirming that Alicia was saying the truth.

Furthermore, we'll need Samantha to give some sort of confirmation as well, because Alicia was there for ten years. How could she not have thought of ways to escape?

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