Od Inhon Creed - Snow Perverts Clan

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Just wanted to tell you guys that you're awesome!

I'm gonna use this as our member list and yeah. ... the old list shall excist but I'm gonna put you guys here. Because If I update the old post..well.. the whole book ends up as R xD.

PS. Today 25th January 2015, just 18 days after publishing... WE HAVE 38,5k READS!


Perverted Quadruplets:

@melantha123 : hardcore Jelsa shipper that loves the emotional stuff in Jelsa books. (ANYONE OF YOU THREE WANNA DESCRIBE ME/my work?!?)


An unknown species that originated on the planet Mars. Scientists at NASA have taken in this species and have named it melantha123aticus.

@jelsaforever21 : Jelsa lover and writer. Her books are outstanding and dare to go into the passionate side. (decribed by melantha123)

@CrazyNala2681 : a lovable crazy Jelsa shipper (described by melantha123)

@PrincessSelene04 : JELSA SHIPPEEEER! She's like the cannon in commenting! I see her comments everywhere in Jelsa books! AWESOME ! (described by melantha123)

"The Od Inhon Creed" It's Dovah language, meaning, 'the snow perverts creed'. ( @Fixx_Dag0o )

Growing Pervert Clan:





















































Perverted Quadruplets (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now