⫣57⫦ Revenge

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"He killed himself."

I don't hear him any more.
Or see him.

I remember that first day with them at the lake.

The way Tae stood on top of that cliff and let himself fall.
I remember the way my heart felt back then as I saw him tumbling through the air.
And I remember the thing he said to me afterwards:
"I had the boys."

As if nothing could happen to him as long as they were with him.

I did this.
I took them away from him.
I killed him.

There is a loud screaming in my ear.

It reminds me of Hoseok when he was trapped in his drug-rage.
Pain, madness, agony.

Seo-Joon's eyes had widened.

Only then do I realize the sound is not just in my head.
I am screaming.

My legs give out and I land on the floor.

I don't know what happens after that.
The pain just stops and there is just him.

There is Taehyung in my barn where we first met, leaning against the wall with a smirk.

There I am on top of a moving car, Taehyung's hands around my waist as I scream in joy.

I feel his lips on mine as he kisses me passionately behind the gas station we just robbed, his unrestrained desire for me taking my breath away, as is his tongue.

There we all are, all eight of us as we sit around an open fire under the stars, me in Taehyung's lap, his hands around my middle, his smell filling my nose.
I nestle closer, his chuckle sending shivers over my skin and a grin forms on my lips.

I remember the exact feeling as he took me up to that room and fucked me on that table.
The way he felt so deep inside me, claiming me.

Part of me.

I see his smile in a thousand different angles, his dark, mischievous eyes sparkling brighter than the stars, his long black hair tousled as if he just woke up, cute and yet dangerously sexy.

There is a cracking sound.

I ignore it.

I want to see Taehyung again in my memories.
I just want to stay in this sate forever.
At least I get to see him like this.

Taehyung made me feel so alive every second I spend with him.
He can't be gone.

I would have know.
I would have felt it.
How could I not feel a part of myself dying?

There he is right in front of me, telling me I look hot, his eyes undressing me as I smirk back and tell him 'I know'.
His answering chuckle is like a melody he plays just for me.

And here he comes again, shutting me up when he proclaims me his girlfriend.

The cracking sound comes again- but this time, so does the pain.
Physical pain.

"Why? Tell me why?" a voice shouts angrily.

I snap open my eyes.

I'm back in the small room.
No- I want to go back.

I want to be with Taehyung again.
I can't life in this world without him.
Panic floods me.

Seo-Joon's face is directly in front of me as he smacks me again across my cheek.

"Why Lian? Why do you love him so much but not me?
I'm your bother! He's nothing!"

Compared to the pain inside, getting slapped feels like a joke.
So I laugh.

I can't stop.
It's just too hilarious.

His expression turns even angrier and it just makes me laugh harder.
I laugh and laugh.

"Stop it Lian! Just tell me! What makes him so much better?"

Finally the laughter turns into a chuckle, then into a smile.
I make a decision.
I look up at Seo-Joon.

How funny he is-that brother of mine.

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