⫣37⫦ In the End They'll Judge me Anyway

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I look at the little device Yoongi hands me in scepticism.

"This thing is going to hack my fathers phone?"

Yoongi sighs.

His hands are buried deep in his pockets and the way he slouches against the wall brings us to the same height.
His voice sounds like my comment hurt his feelings somehow.

"That 'thing' is an 18W USB-C power adapter with an integrated modchip that will allow me to actively manipulate the phone's internal communication and re-route it to the substitute parts provided by the modchip, gaining me access to the firewall.
Only then I can wirelessly install a tiny, undetectable virus into it's core system which will establish a connection between Kwang-Sun's device and one of my own, basically creating a mirror phone."

I blink- twice.

"English, Yoongi!"
Hoseok complains, making a face and I shoot him a thankful look.

Yoongi shakes his head like he doesn't know what exactly is so hard understand but then sighs with an eye-roll, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Yes, this thing hacks his phone.
The adapter is the same model Kwang-Sun uses to charge his phone with, so that when we switch them, he wont notice."

"But here comes the hard part," Jungkook continues, shooting me a little concerned look that makes my stomach drop.

If BTS referrers to something as hard, I am sure it's more likely to be impossible.

"Your father keeps the charger in his office at all times.
In the entire three weeks we observed the house, he has not once taken it out anywhere where we can see, so it must be behind closed doors."

"The night we broke in," Taehyung continues, pacing slowly forth and back in the alley,
"We also managed to also sneak into your father's office and take some photos- that's the only reason we know the charger exists and what it looks like."

I take a sharp breath.

I've never even been allowed to look inside!

Even in the old apartment in Daegu, my father had his office secured with a passcode lock.
When I asked him why, he only said it made his clients feel safer and it was a necessary requirement set by the justice department because it held many confidential documents and crucial, sensible case files that should be kept under tight security only.

I never questioned it.

"And the problem," I finally say as I make the connection,
"Is that he keeps his office locked at all times, isn't it?"

"Not just that," Jin reveals and bobs his head to Yoongi to explain.

The boy scratches his head, like thinking about it is driving him crazy.

"The passcode lock is just the one you can see from the outside, but once you enter the room, you have exactly two minutes to type in another code to disable the alarm that will go off if you don't.
Not knowing that has almost screwed us over last time, and only thanks to the quick work of the maknaes were we able to pull it off."

Jimin snorts.

"There were two seconds left before we got it right. 'Almost' doesn't sound like the right word."

My mouth has dropped open at the thought that while they had desperately tried to not get caught sneaking into my father's office, I had been a level above them, sleeping soundly and caring about nothing more than my first day of school.

"Shit." I finally let out, letting myself drop against the wall right next to Yoongi.

For a moment, everybody seems to be lost in their own thoughts, before I speak again.

"So, how are we going to do it? I'm not allowed to go into my father's office either.
I asked before, but he won't let me."

RM only nods, like he expected that answer.

"And even if he did, he probably wouldn't leave you alone long enough for you to make the switch. But-" he continues and grins at me broadly,
"Thankfully, we have the brilliant little Lian on our side now.
It's like you read my mind and managed to solve the one fault in my plan:
getting one of the maknaes into the house."

I straighten and my head whips over to Taehyung.

"You want to do the switch at dinner tomorrow? While my parents are in the house?"

I sound as incredulous as I feel.

"What better time to do it? You're father will never suspect anyone to be bold enough to break into his office while he is sits a few rooms away, would he?"

I shake my head in disbelieve even as a smile starts spreading on my lips.
This plan is reckless and bolt and completely insane.
Just like them- and me.

I look sideways at Taehyung while lighting another cigarette I scrounged from Yoongi.

I take a long drag and finally turn my entire body towards him, raising my eyebrows in doubt.

"So, you'll be able to break in, turn off the alarm, make the switch and be out of there before my parent's grow suspicious?"

His answering smile is full of confidence, arrogance and glee.
It makes my heart beat faster and my breath catches.

"Don't forget getting your parents blessings and setting a date for our upcoming wedding.
And all of that before dessert."

I can't help the chuckle that escapes me and the others crackle up too.
But then I feel a hand on my shoulders, turning me around and I blink against the sun into Namjoon's face.

Both concern and hope can be detected in his voice.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Lian?
We want you to know that when we find the incriminating evidence, your father will not only go to prison, but this is most likely to go public as well.
And then a lot of people who are angry at your father will also try to get back at your mother and you."

I think on his words for a moment- imagine the time after we succeeded.

I think about my father in prison and my mother in the ruins of her life and feel- nothing.

They are no longer my parents any more, except in name.
They told me so often not to disappoint them, but they have been the ones to disappoint me the most.

I don't owe them anything.

Because they never gave me anything- they only ever took and demanded.

In the end, I can only let out a small smile as I turn my gaze to Yoongi, still leaning against the wall.

His eyes widen as my gaze skips down to the tattoo on his arms, exposed by the sleeveless shirt.

"Let the world talk, in don't give a shit."

And with a shoulder shrug I add:
"Because in the end they'll judge me anyway, so whatever."


Can we all agree Yoongi has said some of the most thoughtful, impacting, deep stuff?
And his lyrics... wow...
I literally cried for hours after watching/listening to Amygdala.... I could relate so much...

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