⫣7⫦ Jump

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"So. Are you ready to have some real fun, Lian?"

I'm still sitting in his lap and his hands are still draped around me.
I've gotten so comfortable, I barely noticed any more.
Only that I have grown so relaxed that I forgot all about the reasons this is a bad idea.

He rests his chin on my shoulder, his voice so close to my ear that his breath tickles the small hairs on my nape.

The others helped themselves to some drinks and are smoking, totally relaxed and at ease.
They tried to offer me some too, but I politely refused.

I have my limit about doing things my parents will definitely not approve of.

But something tells me they won't stop trying.
And an even smaller whisper tells me that I don't want them to.

I'm almost inclined to let Taehyung know that I'm already having fun, but I won't give in that easily.
Despite everything, I'm still going to say that the day was fine, but that I wouldn't hang out with them after that, even if it will be a lie.
It's the smart thing to do.
The logical one.

So I remain quiet.

The chuckle he lets loose vibrates against my back, sending electrifying shocks through me.

"All right boys," he then calls out and the others turn to him.

"How about we show her the main attraction?"

Their answering smiles make my heart flutter.
They are downright glowing with glee.
My stomach drops.
It can't mean anything good with these guys.

"Hell yeah!" Jungkook yells out, already jumping up.
He shared a sofa with Jimin who also stands, a drink in his hand.
And even though it's colorless, I highly doubt it's water- vodka for sure.

He drowns it in one go and throws the plastic cup on the floor like he doesn't have a care in the world.
He's the only one not jumping up with glee, but it does nothing to chase away a foreboding feeling.

One by one they get up and when Taehyung stands too, he takes me with him.

"What main attraction?" I hear myself asking, my damn curiosity overwriting all common sense.
RM grins, a lollipop in his mouth.

"Gotta wait and see. We wouldn't wanna to spoil the fun."

I can do nothing but let myself be dragged by Taehyung as he grabs my hand.

The lake lays in a little valley and we now walk passed the house, where a small path leads up to a large hill top.

"We're going up there?" I ask, looking at the ascent.

Trees and bushes grow on either side and obscure the view to the top.
J-hope comes to my side with a grin.

"I thought you did Gymnastics- scared of a little exercise?"

I look up at him with a frown.

"I only told the ones who picked me up that I did Gymnastics."

He only shoots me a bright, innocent smile, and shrugs with his shoulders.

Then we start walking.

The nature here is truly beautiful, all green and woody and the smell of forest surrounds the place like perfume.
I actually feel at peace here- if it wasn't for the foreboding feeling in my stomach as we climb further and further up.

The boys jump around, hoot, throw stones into the trees and laugh unhinged.
At one point, Jungkook starts chasing Jin up the hill, his long, powerful legs allowing him to catch the other boy just after a short while, both of them laughing uncontrollably on the floor where they fell.

I can only keep up with them thanks to my years of training, but my breath is still coming out heavily as we make it to the top.

SAVE ME  ||A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now