Éowyn slows down for a few seconds and then continues to walk towards Aragorn. Éowyn looked down at Aragorn, who was cleaning his sword. He looks up at her, "I made some stew. It isn't much, but it's hot." Aragorn takes a bite, looks up at Éowyn, and scrunches up his face. He nods at her, "it's good." "Really?" Éowyn turns and walks away, while Aragorn tries to dump the rest of it. "My uncle told me a strange thing." She muttered as she walked back smiling, Aragorn quickly tries to stable the bowl right as Éowyn turns around. "He said that you rode to war with Thengel, my grandfather. But he must be mistaken."

Aragon looked down, "King Théoden has a good memory. He was only a small child at the time." Her eyes widen as she bent down, "Then you must be at least sixty. Seventy? But you cannot be eighty!" She said in disbelief, "Eighty-seven." She stands up demanding, " You are one of the Dúnedain. A descendant of Númenor, blessed with long life. It was said that your race had passed into legend." "There are few of us left. The Northern Kingdom was destroyed long ago." She breathed in pity as she muttered, " I'm sorry. Please, eat."

Háma and and a rider road ahead of the rest of the travelers, while Legolas is watching them. Háma's horse neighs and starts going out of control, "what is it? Háma?" The rider asked as Háma glazed upon the lands, "I'm not sure." On top of a cliff there stood an Orc on a Warg about to attack. The Warg jumps down the cliff and onto Háma's horse, throwing him off. The Warg growls, bites Háma and throws him to the side. "Wargs!" The rider shouted, the rider and the Warg-Rider sword-fight, Legolas came down getting his bow ready, shots the Warg, and sends the Orc flying off of it. Legolas runs over to it, with his sword in one hand. The Orc lets out a screech as Legolas kills it. "A scout!" The Legolas demanded as he threw the orc to the ground. Aragorn hears Legolas and runs back to the Refugees to warn them.

"What is it? What do you see!" Théoden asked, "Warg! We're under attack!" All the women started to panic, screams were heard thought the air as Aragon shouted, "get them out of here!" Tauriel grunted her teeth as she got on to a horse and road to the fields. Aragorn runs over to Éowyn, who has his horse. He flings over the reigns to the horse's back. "All riders to the head of the column." Théoden commanded, Gimli tried to get on to a horse as a few men helped him. "Come on. Get me up here. I'm a rider. Come on." He muttered to the horse. Gimli almost fell over the other side of the horse. Legolas runs over to the side of the cliff, and he sees countless Orcs riding Wargs.

Théoden leaped on to his horse, " You must lead the people to Helm's Deep, and make haste." He told Éowyn, "I can fight!" She commanded as Théoden shakes his head. "No! You must do this, for me." Éowyn turns away from Théoden as he turns his horse towards the battle "Follow me!" Aragorn gets seated on his horse while the refugees try to run away. "Forward. I mean, charge forward." Gimli muttered as he commanded to the horse in frustration. Refugees continued to run while Aragorn looks back at Éowyn, who returns a look. The Rohirrim charges towards the Wargs. Legolas and Tauriel shot a few of the Wargs before Legolas jumps onto his horse. Théoden makes a charge signal with his sword as they ride and so does Sharkû. The Rohirrim and the Wargs collide into each other, some crashing. A Rohirrim man throws his spear into one of the Orcs, Legolas kills another Orc with his bow, Orcs on their Wargs throw horses and their riders around, and then Gimli shouts as he falls off his horse. Gimli sees a Warg with no rider on it. It growls at him. "Bring your pretty face to my ax." As the Warg charges at him, Legolas shoots it with an arrow. "That one counts as mine!"

Tauriel road on the horse, while pulling back the string of her bow striking every orc she'd lay her eyes on. An orc shot an arrow at her horse, before she could think, she felt her body roll of the ground. She quickly got up and pulled her daggers out. Gimli turns around just in time to kill a Warg with his ax. The Warg falls onto Gimli, who lets out a grown. Aragorn kills an Orc as Théoden kills another Orc. A Rohirrim soldier aims a bow and arrow at a Warg and kills it, though he was killed when a Warg ran over him. Gimli turns around just in time to kill a Warg with his ax. The Warg falls onto Gimli, who lets out a grown. Aragorn kills an Orc as Théoden kills another Orc. A Rohirrim soldier aims a bow and arrow at a Warg and kills it, though he was killed when a Warg ran over him. "Stinking creature." Gimil muttered.

Gimli tries to lift the Warg off of him just as an Orc tries to kill him. Gimli lifts his hands and cracks the Orc's neck. He sniffs the Orc and makes a disgusted face. Gimli tries once again to get the Warg and the Orc off of him, and now there is a Warg who sees Gimli. Aragorn sees this and pulls up a spear and throws it at the Warg, who falls on top of Gimli, who lets out a bigger grown. Théoden kills another Orc and thrusts his sword into the mouth of a close by Warg. Tauriel slashed another orc before a warg rider scooped her up and carried her away from the battle. She kicked and tried to move her hands but it was no use. Aragorn fought with an Orc and twists his sword into it right before he is thrown off his horse by a charging Warg. Aragorn gets up and grabs the Warg and gets on top of it. He head-buts Sharkû, who is riding the Warg, who hits him and throws him off the side of the Warg. His hand is still attached to the Warg causing him pain as he rubs across the ground.

Tauriel saw Aragon getting dragged by a warg. Aragon gets out his smaller sword and thrusts it into Sharkû, who grabs something on Aragorn before Aragorn throws him off of his Warg. Tauriel kicked the orc in the stomach which caused the Orc to let go of his grasp, Tauriel jumped over to the warg that was dragging Aragon. Tauriel fought the Orc while Aragorn tries to get loose of the Warg, but fails and both him, Tauriel and the Warg fall over the side of the cliff.

Gimli yells as he kills another Warg. He looks around and sees the rest of the Rohirrim killing and scaring off the remnant of the Wargs.

"Aragorn! Tauriel!" Legolas shouted as he looked around with haist. "Tauriel! Aragon!" Gimli repeated. Theoden looks around as Legolas passes Sharkû, who is still alive lying on the ground. Legolas bends over as to see if there were any tracks Aragorn or Tauriel could have left. Sharkû starts laughing as Legolas goes over to him. Gimli held his axe to his face as he demanded, "Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing." "He's...dead. He took a little tumble off the cliff. The she-elf joined him." Legolas grabs him in anger, "You lie!" Sharkû laughs his last laugh right before he dies. Legolas throws him back to the ground and looks at his hand, seeing the something. He picks it up and finds out it is the Evenstar. He runs over to the side of the cliff where Théoden is and looks down only to see rushing waters.

His eyes darkened, his world darkened. Everything just got darker, she's gone. Legolas thought to himself, and this time, she is not coming back. Gimli joined him, with a saddened face. "Their both gone, two good souls." Gimli muttered. "Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead." Legolas looked at Théoden, in disbelief. He didn't want to leave, he didn't want to go without hope. Théoden put a hand of Legolas's shoulder, "Come." Legolas and Gimli stay for a few more seconds, looking down.

"At last!" One of the women breathed as the Refugees reached Helm's Deep. All the women chanted in relief, "Helm's Deep! We're safe!" People continue to Helm's Deep. Éowyn stops and looks at Helm's Deep as she helps an elderly woman continue on. The gates of Helm's Deep opened for Éowyn with the Refugees behind her. She looks around and sees refugees who had gotten there before she did, then Éowyn heard a voice, "Make way for the king. Make way for Théoden. Make way for the king." She ran to see the men who fought, "So few. So few of you have returned." "Our people are safe. We have paid for it with many lives." Théoden sighed as he got off his horse. Gimli approached Éowyn muttering, "my lady." " lord Aragon...where is he?" Legolas and Gimli looked at her with colorless eyes. "He fell."

Éowyn's eyes widen as she stuttered to ask one more thing, "Tauriel?" The second she said Tauriel's name, Legolas walked away through the crowed. Gimli could only say two words, "she's gone."

Oh-my-gosh! Cliffhanger! Don't worry SHE IS NOT DEAD but she didn't get away unwounded. The next chapter is the battle of Helm's Deep!! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3xx forever1912

The Here and Now [Legolas and Tauriel]sequel to What Once was LostWhere stories live. Discover now