10: The Agency

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(A/n: my Christmas gift to you! Enjoy the update. Still updating tomorrow.)

3rd Person POV

In the weeks that followed before agency training started, Andy and Vixen low key developed separation anxiety. They were rarely apart from each other, and if they were left by themselves, they became nervous. It lasted a short time, but during that period, they were attached at the hip.

Today, their emotions have stabilized, and they're ready for the first day of training. For the time being, all assassins will train until they're licensed. When training is done, those who live out of state may return home.

Andy pulled up with Vixen to the agency in his black Dodge Challenger. The agency where they'll be working soon is a huge building with a dark blue exterior that's sleek and smooth. There's parking outside for visitors and parking in a secure garage for employees.

For now, Andy parked outside. He and Vixen got out of the car to see Ace, Goya, and the other assassins standing by the front doors of the agency.

When they joined the group, Agent Goya welcomed them and started the day, "first, I'd like to announce that Ace will be working as a manager here for the assassins who live in the state. He will be your superior as he's always been."

For Vixen, Andy, Veronica, and Mark, this was great. It made them feel more comfortable for when they'd begin their employment.

"Now, to show you around the agency." Goya turned to face the front sliding doors of the building.

He placed his thumb on a circular pad by the doors, "to enter the agency, your fingerprints will be registered into our system and can be used to open any door that requires it."

They all followed Goya inside, passing through the entrance where the secretaries were. Their first stop is down a large hallway that's part of the west wing.

"Down here is the gym. We have everything from treadmills to rock walls. The gym is for everyone to use for anything they need; training, regular exercise, and fun." He opened the frosted glass sliding door with the fingerprint scanner.

As they stepped in, every assassin grew a smile on their face. The gym is five times the size of the training area back at the facility and has so much more to do! There are indeed rock walls, punching bags and dummies, a pool, weights...this is like a playground for them.

Next on the tour is the north wing. This hall leads to the back of the agency where the wall is made of glass and people can see some roads outside in the distance.

"The north wing is where driving practice takes place," Goya began explaining. "The vehicles we use are slightly different than what you may be used to. This will be part of your training and you'll use those roads back there to drive on. It's important to know how our vehicles function since they're the vehicles you'll use on missions."

They took a peek into the garage to see the large tactical vans and some normal-sized cars. They'd soon learn that these vehicles hit different though.

After that, the group headed down to the east wing. The door at the end of the hall is large and made of titanium, keeping whatever is on the other side heavily guarded. Of course, a registered fingerprint was needed to open it and step inside.

"This wing houses our weaponry. As you can see, we keep a wide variety of pretty much everything. You will be assigned your own pistol. When you're not using your gun, it's in here. Every day, we check to make sure all weapons are present. If you steal a weapon, there are cameras everywhere, we'll find you," Agent Goya gave them their warning.

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