6: Berlin, Germany

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My bags are ready to go to Germany and so am I. Andy will be coming back home with me, I'll make sure of it.

As expected, a knock fell on my front door. On the other side was Agent Goya.

"Ready to leave for Berlin, Stryker?" He asked.

I nodded with a serious face, "yes."

"Alright, let's go. The team is waiting." He helped me with my bags.

"Bye, girls! I'll be back in a couple days! Bye Cujo!" I hollered before stepping out. "What team?"

"It'll be you, me, two other agents for backup, and a translator."

"Ah, ok."

The ride from my place to the private jet we'd be taking was pretty quiet. Goya explained that when we got there, we'd rest for the night in a hotel. The following day, we'll go to the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany, aka the BND, to recover Andy and maybe find Mark and Rio too.

On the jet, I did want some space to myself, so I sat near the front while the rest of the team sat in the back.

I've never properly been on a plane before. On a helicopter hovering over the ocean while trying to kill someone? Yea. But I've never just sat there and watched as the ground got farther and farther away from me. I was mesmerized when the jet was flying past the clouds...it's peaceful to see.

"Hey, Stryker," it was Agent Goya, "how's it going?"

He sat one seat away from me, a friendly smile on his features.

"I'm ok." I shrugged.

"I wanted to talk to you and get to know you a little better," he said.

"...what do you want to know?"

"Whatever you're comfortable with telling me."

This was difficult...I'm not comfortable with Goya or telling him anything about myself. I don't do that with just anybody. I don't have friends, I have family that I trust deeply. Goya is new...I'm not used to new.

"I'm not...I'm not sure what to say." I looked at him.

"I can start then, and I'll be honest...I never thought I'd be working with an assassin such as yourself. You know, Mr. Maddox has kept all of your information in a file which I had to look at. You're very impressive."

And so my interest was piqued, "how so?"

"Do you know your body count?"

I blinked, "body count?"

"Not like that!" He laughed. "I mean, how many people you've killed."

"Oh! I lost count at around four."

"Well, in the three and a half years you've worked, your body count totals to 102."

"102?! Jeez!" I smiled triumphantly...damn, I'm good!

"Also," Goya continued, "Ace marked you as his top-ranking female assassin."

"Shit, I already knew that. Who's the top-ranking male assassin?"


"He would be. Between him and I, I think he'd be better."

We got into how I felt about Rio, how he's like a big brother to me. When I first got to the facility, Ace taught me things, of course. Whenever I needed extra help, though, it was Rio who'd be there. He helped me get the hang of shit which is probably why I see him as better than myself.

Soon, we got onto the topic of my reason for joining Ace. As you may recall, my mother and father didn't care much for me. They cared so little that they wanted to sell me for money to pay their debts.

Ace saved me and became a father for me. He not only taught me how to be an assassin, but he also taught me life skills. I can change my own damn tires and oil.

Goya then told me about his childhood and why he chose to work in the FBI. Turns out his dad was absent from his life, only has his mom around. He came up from the dirt, joined the military, and wanted to become an agent for the action.

He'll be getting plenty of action as long as I'm around, making grey hairs sprout from his head every day.


At the hotel, everyone had their own room. It was at dinner where I got to know the other agents. They wanted to know more about me though, so I guess I'm pretty interesting.

"So we heard you bossed Goya into bringing you here." One of them looked at me. "Why was coming to Germany so important to you?"

"The man we're going to find is my husband," I answered. "The house I share with him...doesn't feel right without him. I can never seem to fall asleep easily when he's not there. I think the sooner I find him, the sooner I'm finally...home."

My eyes were on the food in front of me, and when I noticed they were silent, my eyes flickered back up to see them staring back with sad puppy eyes.

"...what?" I asked.

"You know it's real love when they're your home," an agent wiped their tear.

Everyone started talking about their relationships, current and past. When they learned that Andy was the only guy I was ever with, their hearts were mine. Because my love story was a unique one, they pledged to help as much as they could to have me reunited with my soulmate.

I slept a little better that night, but my excitement to see Andy woke me up super early. This sucked though, I have to wait for Goya to wake up and get the team moving.

It'll be another couple of hours before we go to the BND.


I'd been watching the sunrise over the horizon until Agent Goya came to get me. In the car, I sat with butterflies swarming in my stomach.

I'll be with him soon! I'll be with Andy again! My leg bounced excitedly on our way there. We'll go back home and everything will sort of be as it was before. Only this time, we're working with the FBI.

At the BND headquarters, our translator did the talking for us, explaining that we're here because we know German agents took US citizens and they must be returned.

The German agent left and came back with his superior who said a bunch of things in German. The translator needed to hear it all before relaying it back to us in English, but man, he's talking a lot.

Finally, after five minutes, the translator told us what he said...and my shoulders dropped.

"Of course," I shook my head, "of course he did that...I don't know why I expected to find him here."

I started walking back to the car, looking back when I noticed no one was following, "well? There's nothing for us here. Let's go back to our country."

I leaned on the car, waiting for the other agents to come out. I don't want to be here for another second.

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