22: Hey, Baby!

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(A/n: this chapter's a bit long. We love a Christmas special in March!)

3rd Person POV

Rio watched his trap from his hiding place on the roof of a two-story building. His target should be walking to his doom any minute now.

Even in the cold, Rio didn't move a muscle. His breath was visible in the frosty air as he exhaled through his mouth. He was actually pretty warm, sweating under the black beanie on his head.

"Target headed your way, De León." His Eye let him know.

"Thank you, Natalia. I see him now." Rio clenched the trap's remote in his hand.

He waited for the man to walk under the street light, then pressed the trap activation button. A cord tied his target's feet together by the ankles and suspended him from the street light above.

"AHH!" The man screamed. "FUCK, SOMEONE HELP!"

Chuckling victoriously, Rio climbed down the side of the building and approached the man who was hanging upside down.

"HEY!" The target saw Rio.

"Hi." The assassin smirked.


"Nah, I was sent to kill you, not help you." He pressed another button on the remote.

The man went crashing down to the ground on his head. His arms tried to lift himself up, but Rio's in charge here.

"Whoops, that's too low for me. Up you go." His finger pressed a button, suspending his target again, but not as high. "Perfect...time for my nightly workout."

Rio propped his fists up and delivered four punches within the span of one second. Though they were quick, his strikes still held power and it hurt to be on the receiving end...especially when they all landed on your diaphragm. The hanging man could barely speak.

"Fucking asshole," Rio gave a spin kick to the man's gut, "you think it's fun to touch little kids, huh? Scum of the earth." He leaned down, spitting in the target's face.

When Rio stood back up, he took a moment to stretch his legs, teasing his hefty combat boots in front of his target. He tapped the toe of his boot on the ground twice before sending his foot into the target's mouth.

The man screamed in agony as Rio took his boot out of his mouth, a couple of bloody teeth falling out onto the wet concrete.

"Agent De León, please stop playing with your prey. Finish the mission," Natalia told the assassin.

"Fine, fine." He pressed the button to release the target from suspension. "Run, motherfucker, I dare you."

The man spat out more teeth and blood as he struggled to his hands and knees. When he looked up, he was immediately met with a gun in his face.

Rio yanked the target's head back and shoved the gun into his mouth, "I hope Satan tears your ass apart down there." And he pulled the trigger.

Just for good measure, Rio sent another bullet through the man's skull, "kill confirmed, target terminated."

"Was all of that really necessary? You're supposed to get your missions done as quickly as possible, you know." Natalia reminded him.

"There you go again, telling me how to do my job. I'm the one getting blood on my hands, not you." He started packing his things up. "What's important is that I'm getting the missions done."

Once all of his materials for the mission were packed, he headed back to his agency car. There, his phone started buzzing with the name "Goya" as the caller.

His Assassin: Licensed To KillOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora