23: Xmas

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3rd Person POV

On Christmas morning, the first thing the assassins did was open gifts. Fuck waiting after breakfast! Why would anyone do that?

Everyone got great gifts, some presents leftover for Ace and Amy when they'd come by later. One of the most expensive gifts under the tree this year was Andy's present for Vixen: a new wedding ring with a big ass diamond that could outshine the sun. Now, no one will mistake her for a single woman. Those were Andy's words.

The second most expensive? Vixen's gift to Andy: a Batman comic. Not just any comic though, it's the-

"BATMAN DETECTIVE COMICS #31?!" Andy was nearly put into cardiac arrest, processing what he held in his hands.

"Yup! Merry Christmas, baby." She watched him jump with joy.


"Dark web. Seriously couldn't find it anywhere else," she said.

"Can I...can I-"

"Yes! Go read it, silly!" Vixen chuckled.

Squealing like a little girl, Andy clutched the comic against his chest and went running upstairs to read it in private. A few seconds later, though, he came back and kissed her. Three times, he planted his lips on hers. Not just quick little pecks, but long kisses with passion.

"I love you." He gave her one more kiss before going back upstairs.

Veronica giggled, "he's such a nerd for Batman."

"He is." Vixen's eyes lingered on him before he left her sight. "I fuckin' love that nerd."

"Yo, what's for breakfast?" Rio asked, admiring his new blade from Mark.

Vixen got up from her seat on the couch, "let's do omelets. Rio, you cut the vegetables. Veronica, see what everyone wants in their eggs. I'll cook."


"Ace, Amy, you got here just in time!" Vixen invited them inside. "Your omelets are at the table. ANDY, YOUR MOM'S HERE!"

"Here, little one, I brought some treats." Ace handed her a box...an eerily familiar box.

She put on her best smile, "oh, thank you! I'll put them in the kitchen for now. Hopefully, no one goes crazy and eats them all."

While Ace went to sit at the table, Vixen took a peek at the bakery treats and called Rio in to see them too.

"Dude," she whisper shouted, "these are the gingerbreads from the same bakery that Creator mentioned in her story!"

Rio shrugged, "it was just a story, the cookies are fine."

"Are they? Are they really?"

"...toss them out."

"Open the window." She nodded, taping the box closed again.

Rio pulled the window above the sink open and Vixen threw the box of gingerbreads outside like a frisbee. After that, they joined everyone else at the table.

"We've gotta build a snowman later, there's a foot of snow out there!" Veronica beamed.

"Hell yea!" Dahlia agreed. "When's Benson getting here? He can do it with us."

"In about an hour."

"Oh!" Amy covered her eyes. "Vidalia, that thing on your finger just blinded me in my left eye."

"Andy gave me this ring, isn't it so pretty?" Vixen went and showed Amy up close.

Andy's mom had to shield the diamond from the light, "that thing shines brighter than all the stars in the galaxy!"

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