3: What Goes Around Comes Around

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3rd Person POV

"Oh my fucking god, Dahlia," Veronica gasped when she saw the purpling on Dahlia's thighs.

"Yep," she took the rest of her nightgown off, "all because I was asleep."

"He's not getting away with that. Maybe he could in the other prisons he worked in, but it stops here." Vixen had a murderous expression on her face.

The women were taken to the showers where an officer guarded the entrance. It was just them inside the bathroom, so now, they plan. Their voices lowered to whispers and they let the water run to make them hard to hear on the outside.

"I say we get him alone, disarm him, and then let Dahlia beat him like he beat her." Veronica shared.

Vixen nodded, "yea, and we gotta make him scared. We need to make ourselves intimidating as fuck."

"I'm up for that," Dahlia agreed. "Let's scare him so bad that he quits."

"And if any other officers are like him, he'll be an example of what happens when they disrespect us." Veronica closed her curtain.

That beating was uncalled for. Dahlia has been through enough as it is, she didn't need any more trauma. Plus, these women are like sisters to each other. No one hurts their family and gets away without a scratch on them.

After their showers, the three assassins went back to their cells, changed into sweats, and were taken to the small dining hall where McDonald's was waiting for them.

"This is our place and we're being treated like animals." Dahlia huffed as she took her seat. "How did they capture you guys? I was caught in a net."

"Tranquilizer." Veronica began to unwrap her sandwich. "Vixen?"

"I surrendered peacefully...but they still did too much. I got wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, a muzzle, and the dog catcher pole things...two of them." Vixen hated to remember it.

"So that's what was on your neck," Dahlia nodded. "You were carried by too fast, I couldn't see."

"Yea, I didn't catch the ankle cuffs or muzzle. Damn." Veronica shook her head.

"Yo, yo," Vixen smiled mischievously, "look at the only officer watching us."

Dahlia turned to see the asshole officer who hit her earlier with his baton, "alright, ladies, it's go time."

Dahlia led the group over to the officer standing by the dining hall door. The sound of multiple footsteps made him turn to see them coming for him, "what are you guys doing?"

"Nothing," Vixen narrowed her eyes, "you gonna beat us for it?"

"Maybe." He moved his hand towards his baton.

Veronica and Vixen grabbed his wrists and kicked him in the backs of his knees, getting him to fall on his back. While Vixen held him down, Veronica undid his belt with weapons and took it off of him.

"Here, babe," Veronica handed Dahlia the baton, "show him what it feels like."

"GET OFF!" The officer pushed Vixen off of him.

Dahlia whipped out the full length of the baton that was used to beat her. If there's anything these women don't have, it's mercy.

With her full force, she brought the baton down on the officer's leg. She struck his knee, a crack sounding as his bone couldn't win against the baton.

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE IT, HUH?!" She hit him again. This time, on his thigh.

His screams alerted other officers of what was happening. While they ran to get Agent Goya, the officer was still getting beaten down.

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