2: Class A

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3rd Person POV

Vixen stood before Agent Goya. The only thing keeping her from tearing him to shreds is the metal bars.

"This place," Vixen started, "was a sanctuary. Kids who would've died on the streets came here and made something of themselves. You just fucked all of that up."

"You call a place that turns kids into monsters a sanctuary? You're aware you were just taught how to sort of get away with murder, right?" Goya looked down at her.

"Look, for me, it was either die out on my own or come here for a second chance at life. Every single person who's ever trained here has their reasons."

"Doesn't matter. This whole thing was illegal. All of you were out there, killing people left and right. If you think you were doing justice, you weren't. You're just a killer and a criminal."

"Oh," she scoffed, "and you do provide justice?! Do you know why people called me in the first place? Because the legal system didn't do them right. Either that or you guys were too fucking slow. I saved more people than I killed."

"DAMN RIGHT, GIRL," Veronica cheered her best friend on, "YOU TELL HIM!"

"Veronica Frasier," Goya addressed her, "do not speak unless you are spoken to. Understood?"

"Fuck you, dude." Veronica spat in response.

"Those kids who were still in training...what did you do with them?" Vixen asked.

"If they were under 18, we put them in foster care. If they were adults, we put them in homeless shelters."

"Nah, man," she made a face of disgust, "don't fucking talk to me about justice. That ain't right. What about the other assassin classes? Those two women and I, we're Class A. What about the others?"

"Straight to prison," he answered.

"If they're in prison, why aren't we? We trained and killed exactly like they did. Why am I here and not in prison?"

"Because you're Class A, the OG's, the most experienced," Goya explained. "We could use your skills."

"...wait, you want us to work for you? In the FBI?"

"Yes." He nodded. "Everyone in Class A has the highest potential to earn a license to kill and become legal assassins for the government."

"If you want me to work for you, why'd you throw me in a jail cell?"

"Neither you nor your friends here have agreed to work with us. If you won't work for us, you're not going free."

"I'll work for you," she said, "but under one condition."

"Stryker, I'll be the one setting the terms here-"

"Actually, these are my terms to set." She smirked as she leaned against the bars. "You didn't put weeks of manpower into finding me so that when you finally had me, you'd turn me down because I have conditions. You want my services. There's a price for them."

Agent Goya set his jaw as he stared into Vixen's green eyes, "...what is it that you want?"

"Find my husband, Andy Biersack, aka Jesse Dowling. Once I have him back, I'll work for you."

He nodded his head slowly, rubbing his finger on his chin, "...alright. That wouldn't be impossible to do. That's not a yes yet, I'm still thinking. I'll get back to you tomorrow."

He turned to leave, but Vixen called him, "hey...I have one question."


"Ace Maddox...where is he?"

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