9: Home

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(A/n: to those who vote and comment, I see you and I love you! Your votes and comments are much appreciated! Everyone continue to stay safe out there and enjoy the chapter!)

3rd Person POV

In Brooklyn, New York, the three assassins met up with Agent Goya at a hotel. Goya has his recovery team on standby. This time, without muzzles, catch poles, nets, and tranquilizers. He's learned from the women that all of that is unappreciated and will make the men even more hostile.

If you think you want to see Rio De León in action...no, you don't. There are some things you can't unsee and some sounds that'll never leave your head.

Andy and Mark are forces to be reckoned with as well. Just because they're not the top-ranking assassins in the facility doesn't mean they're not dangerous. Both of them can end a life with their bare hands in a matter of seconds. One can only imagine what Rio is capable of.

"So what's the plan?" Vixen asked as she and the girls sat in the lobby with Goya.

"I've had an agent carefully keep eyes on the men until we arrive. We're just waiting for my recovery team to get into position at the men's location," he answered.

Just then, his phone rang. It was the recovery team letting him know that they have the men in sight and are ready to move when he says so. Their location is a small diner fifteen minutes away...two minutes with Vixen's driving.

Goya and the girls started making their way there together. By the time they show up, the boys will be surrounded, and the girls are the only ones that can make them cooperate.

Vixen sat in the backseat of Goya's car, head empty, only thoughts of Andy. She felt butterflies beginning to flutter in her stomach. Her heartbeat quickened and she hadn't even seen him yet. Just thinking of him flooded her entire being with indescribable excitement.

Looking ahead through the front windshield, Vixen spotted the multiple black FBI vans that once came for her. When they got closer, Goya was slowing the car down, but none of the girls could wait another second.

Vixen was the first to jump out of the moving car, "ANDY!"

She weaved through the vans and armed agents to be able to see him. Never before had she been so swift, not bumping into a single person in her path.

It felt like she was zigzagging through the people and vehicles forever, then finally, she rammed her way out into the clearing in the middle.

There, standing in the pale light of the bright flashlights with his hands up in surrender, was her husband. His blue eyes widened upon seeing her, and when he saw a tear stream down that face he loves so much, his feet took action.

"VIDALIA!" He reached out to his wife, bolting towards her.

Vixen's boots dug into the ground heavily as she sprinted to him, "ANDY!"

Neither of them let up on their speed, and as a result, they collided forcefully into each other's arms. Vixen's legs wrapped around Andy's waist and squeezed. Her fingers desperately clenched onto the fabric on the back of his shirt, tears spilling from her emerald eyes.

While Andy hugged Vixen back with one arm, his other hand caressed the back of her head to snuggle her onto his shoulder. He then shut his eyes and buried his face in her neck, taking in her scent.

They needed a moment like this to feel each other again. They missed one another's warmth, scent, and presence. Nothing happening around them mattered. Both could only think one thing,

"I'm home."

Vixen was still crying, so Andy kept her in his arms, a soothing hand rubbing her back. He laid a kiss on her shoulder, "I'm here. I'm with you."

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