24: Dream Team

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The next day, the morning of Andy's birthday, I wanted to try and make any time I had with him special. The first thing we did once we woke up was...well, let's just say we had to be quiet about it. Our guests are still here.

For breakfast, I made crepes with bananas and Nutella. We'd been talking about trying them out for like a month, so why not today?

Then, we took Cujo out to play at the park. Really, I just needed Andy out of the house for a little so the others could set up the party for when we got back.

Once they let me know they were ready, we went to the house where the party was waiting in the kitchen. We walked into a Batman-themed celebration, which sounds cliche for Andy, but it's tradition! Ever since he was 14, he wanted all of his birthdays Batman-themed, and that's how we'll keep it.

After we cut through Batman's face on the cake, I gave Andy his birthday present. It was a box about the size of a hand, and once that wrapping paper came off, his eyes nearly bulged out of his skull.

He gasped, "it's beautiful!"

"What is it?" Dahlia asked.

"A Batman figurine made from Swarovski CRYSTAAALLL!" Andy adored it. "Thank you, babe! I'll put him above our bed!"

I nodded, "yes, we'll pray to him every night."

We had lots of fun until Rio and I needed to head out for the agency.

"Please, don't stop partying just because we're gone," I told them.

"Yea, though the life of the party is leaving, I'm sure you guys can keep it going." Rio chuckled.

"Bye, be safe!" Veronica waved at us.

"Come back alive!" Andy hollered.

"But of course," I smiled, "I won't leave this world unless it's with you."

Rio and I left in my Jeep at 7 like we were supposed to, and got to the agency to finally hear about our mystery mission.

After checking in with Goya in his office, he moved us to a soundproof meeting room. He lowered the blinds to the windows that looked out towards the hallway, then to the other two windows that gave us a view of the outside.

"Good lord, what's the big fuss about?" Rio asked. "This isn't the normal procedure for meeting and planning."

"Obviously, this isn't a normal mission." Goya placed a folder down on the table. "Sit."

We took our seats while Goya stayed on his feet and began to explain, "you two are a couple of the best agents I know, even better as a team. Tonight, you'll be retrieving important documents that were stolen from the government and killing the individuals who took them."

He opened the folder to reveal the faces of our targets, "these are the four people that must be eliminated. Kill them, and if anyone else gets in your way, kill them too."

"Will we have the Eyes helping us?" I asked.

"To an extent. Allow me to show you what your surroundings will look like." Goya slid the pictures over. Under them was a photo taken of what looks like a forest from a bird's eye view. "These people don't have a regular building, they have an underground hideout. This is their location and what it looks like above ground. We're not sure what's underneath, which is why I chose you two. Whatever you encounter down there, I'm sure you can handle it. The Eyes will help you maneuver through the forest and a hacker will be on standby in case any documents were uploaded to the internet or any other devices. Getting around the hideout is what you'll have to do on your own."

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