21: Everbleed

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3rd Person POV

"You're angry with me, I understand." Sylvia nodded. "I came to apologize for everything."

"Oh, yea, so much happened to me because of you, you can't even list it all, so you call it 'everything'." Vixen shook her head in dismay. "Step outside with me."

She stalked out the front doors of the agency with her mother following behind her. In the parking lot, they stood facing each other, Vixen's fury radiating off of her.

She took a deep breath before speaking to control herself, "I don't know how this is happening. You're really here, standing before me, looking into my eyes. You know what the last thing I heard from you and Thomas was?"

"What?" She asked, pissing her daughter off even more.

"I heard him tell you his idea of trafficking me for money to pay for bills...and you agreed to it. Where'd you get the nerve to come see me after forcing me to run away and nearly die on the streets? After wanting to traffic me to someone who would use, abuse, and eventually, kill me?"

"Yes...yes, we did plan on doing that, I'll admit to it. You know I was fucked up back then, but I'm better now. I'm so sorry for neglecting you, abusing you, and letting Thomas abuse you too. I was horrible for that. I'm sorry for all of it. I mean that."

"That's so nice of you." Vixen huffed. "That apology definitely makes up for the trauma you and that man caused me."

"I left him," Sylvia said. "I left him not long after you ran. I went and started trying to fix myself and-"

"Did I ask?" Her daughter's gaze was venomous. "You were far too late to finally make that decision, the damage is done."

"Yes, the damage is done. What I want to do now is repair it. I came here to apologize...and to ask if you wanted to spend Christmas...with me."

"No fucking way." Vixen declined immediately.

"Please? I'd like to be a mother to you, I want to make a connection to you and be there for you." Her mom steadily reached a hand out to her.

The assassin was struggling to keep her cool...she couldn't. Not anymore. She grabbed Sylvia's wrist and shoved it away, "I DON'T NEED YOU! Do you know how old I am?! I'm 26! Not a baby, a child, or a teen! I'm an adult! What can you do for me that I can't already do for myself?!"

"Give advice and love-"

"Advice like what? 'Don't become an alcoholic, abuse your child and make them have no choice but to run away and live a new life'? And I don't need your love, I have plenty. I don't need you in my life."

"Good god, Vidalia, I'm trying to make amends with you but you won't let me!" Sylvia shouted.

"Letting you, one of the people that severely ruined my life, make amends so that you can feel better..." Vixen fumed, "...is so beneath me."

"I'm your mother-"

"No. You haven't been a mother since you killed your daughter all those years ago. Vidalia is dead because of you. As for me...I'm Vixen...and I have no mother."

Tears welled up in Sylvia's eyes. She acknowledged that she was a bad mother and that she did mess her daughter up...she just couldn't see the wounds in Vixen's heart until now. Those wounds have stayed open, spewing blood filled with resentment. Here Sylvia was with gauze, trying to absorb her mistakes...not knowing that those gashes would bleed forever.

"There's nothing I can say to make things right...I'm sorry...Vixen, I'm so sorry." Her tears spilled out on her cheeks.

Vixen just stared at her, thinking how pitiful the woman in front of her looked. Shit didn't have to end up this way, but none of this can be undone. Sylvia can cry all she wants, but Vixen will stay angry at how those two treated her.

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