37: Requesting Backup (Part 1)

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Goya called me into the agency for a mission but doesn't have anything for Vidalia right now, so I'm going in alone today. However, when I entered Ace's office for my briefing, there were three other agents there and I didn't recognize any of them.

"Alright, the whole team is here. Let's get started." Our manager opened the mission folder. "You have four targets to eliminate, these are their pictures." Ace laid out each photo for us to see three men and one woman. "These people have been stealing human organs from hospitals and selling them on the black market. They've been arrested several times and have always been able to escape prison. The only thing left to do is stop them for good by putting a bullet between their eyes." He explained. "They seem to have gotten set up in our area and are planning to steal from one of our local hospitals. Others who've dealt with them in the past have noticed a pattern. The four arrive at the location around the hospital two days before any new organs come in. On the third day, they make their move to steal the organs and roll out after that. Today is their first day here. Take some time today to make a plan for how you're going to handle business. You're going on your mission tomorrow. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." We replied together.

Ace gathered the target pictures and put them back in the mission folder. "Agent Lloyd, Goya has appointed you as mission leader." He handed the file to a guy on my team. "All of the information we have on the targets is here. Take this for your planning and return it to me when you're done."

"Got it." Lloyd nodded.

The four of us left Ace's office and went to one of the meeting rooms to sort out our plan. Before really getting into it though, we need to know who everyone is.

While two of the others and I were seated, Lloyd stood with our mission folder in his hands.

"Alright, well, I'm Agent Lloyd and I'm apparently the mission leader." He chuckled as he introduced himself. "We know how Goya loves to surprise us."

"We do." The woman next to me smiled. "I'm Agent Velasquez."

"Agent Biersack," I said.

"Agent Kramer." The other woman slightly raised her hand.

"Wait, Biersack?" Lloyd asked me. "You're...you're Stryker's husband, right?"

"Yup!" I answered with pride.

"Dude, that's so cool! I've never seen her in person, only heard of her. Everyone says she's a beast at what she does." Lloyd sounded like he was talking about a celebrity.

Kramer joined in, "I heard she trained to fight off four people at once."

"I heard she has really sharp eyes. Never misses a shot and doesn't need to put in the effort to remember a target's face." Velasquez added.

"It's true," I confirmed, "she's very talented. Honestly, the greatest assassin I know."

"Is she here?" It looked like Lloyd was ready to run to her.

I shook my head, "no, she wasn't called in today."

"I hope I get the opportunity to work with her someday, I'd love to see her in action. Anyways, we're getting off track here." He started taking everything out of our mission folder. "Let's take a look at this and figure out a plan."


It took a little bit of time to come up with our strategy. Where I worked best with driving and tracking vehicles, the others were better with hunting and eliminating targets on foot.

Knowing that, I'd be stationed in the car, ready to pursue targets that may try to escape. If that doesn't happen, I'll still be prepared to drive away with my team if the mission needs to be aborted. Meanwhile, my teammates will be going into the hotel the targets are staying at and executing them as fast as possible.

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