When You meet him

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After your day of school, you decided to hang out with your new friends April and Casey, so you all decided to go to central park. You spent a good few hours there until you looked at your watch and it was time to go home. You ran home so you would get there on time. As you were walking home trying to catch your breath, you quickily call your mom and tell her you were on your way home. When you hung up, you heard something. Your first instinct was to stay away from it, but your curiosity got the better of you and slowly walked near the area where the sound was. The sound was coming from a small allyway. You hide behind behind a trash can and see the purple dragons threatening a man. You got angry and ran to Fung and punched him in the face. He lost balance and noticed you were in front of him.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" you questioned. Then the PDs walked up to you and then the man fled.

"Hey sweet thing. Why don't you come over here and have a little fun~" Fung said seducively

"Not a chance." You kicked him in places and he fell.

"Ugh. I tried to play nice but now I'm mad." The PDs pulled out their knives and slashed at you a few times making deep wounds in your arms and legs.

At first you thought your vision was going blurry but realized that four green creatures attacked the thugs with...ninja wepons?! You suddenly notice that the creatures are...turtles. You notice one turtle with dark blue eyes and a blue mask. He had katanas for his weapon, another turtle with lighter blue eyes, freckles and had an orange mask. He was using nunchucks, and a turtle with brown eyes with a hint of red with a purple mask. He was using a bow staff as his weapon. You also notice another turtle with emerald green eyes and had a red mask with a lightning bolt crack on his plastron and was using some kind of gardening tool kind of weapon. You turn around to see the large purple dragon behind you. The turtle with the red mask jumped behind it and nocked him out cold.

"There. Takes care of him." he says.

You smile and look down to see blood running down your leg along with the other flesh wounds on your arms. You faint from all that just happened and feel the red clad turtle catch you. His arms felt...kind of nice to you. You hear one of the other turtle's voice as your passed out.

"Raph! You carry the girl back to the lair." you heard a deep voice say.

*Raph...* You thought to myself then blacked out completely.

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