The Devils Game

439 17 24

This ones incredibly long so enjoy!
No seriously, this is 2128 words, my longest chapter!

Today is the last Friday of summer. Which means the last capture the flag game with all the campers. Personally, I don't care much about capture the flag but it's apparently a big deal to the others. I don't really get why but whatever.

It's supposed get really dark tonight to pose more of a challenge to the others campers, leaving me with an advantage. Usually I don't play capture the flag but Elly "convinced" me to play.

*Elly's convincing entails*

"Kyra please....pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."
"Why don't you love me, Kyra?!?"

"I don't love you, dumbass!"


So now I'm being forced to play on the Demeter's team. I didn't ask who else was playing alongside them but I guess I'll figure it out when the game starts. The only thing I know is the Aphrodite and Dionysius cabins are also on our team.

I'm assuming the Nike and Aries cabins are on the other team together since they always pair up. Plus the Hermes cabin likes to have an alliance with the Aphrodite and the Demeter cabin since they usually aim for the most people. Yeah that's right, I pay attention. Occasionally.

We were going through the plan for the 27th time and I tuned all of them out already knowing what I have to do. While they distracted the other team I was to hide in the shadows, wait till they locate their flag, grab it without them noticing it gone, and run like hell back to our spot. Since capture the flag goes to nine pm and the sun goes down around eight and I can use my full power against the other team near the end. All I need to do is time it accordingly.

Plus I've found I need to tune out these idiots unless I want to kill someone. You'd think demigods would at least be somewhat decent towards each other. Well you're wrong. I swear if I hear one more joke about Aphrodite kids I'm going to lose it. Piper was this close to punching an Athenas kid in the throat at one point which was highly entertaining.

Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to get along with these people but they're so dam condescending. Every single one of these people has acted like they know my powers better than me! 'Why can't you just shadow travel to the flag?' 'Can't you just make them all pass out with your voodoo magic?' Like no I can't! I need to know where I'm going to travel like a normal person! Ugh.

And then there is Ian, a Tyche kid.

He's a douchebag.

Imagine the most sexist, misogynistic, womanizer you have ever met...then multiply that with 10. There you go, now you have Ian.

I was trying my hardest to concentrate on the plan when Ian sauntered over to me and confidently placed his arm around my waist. I glared at him, trying to burn a hole into his hollow head but obviously failed.

"Hey babes, I don't know 'bout you but I'm feeling kinda lucky tonight, if you catch my drift." Ohhh if Elly warned me not to do anything bad until we won the game or we would be disqualified I would've snapped his thick neck in half. I smiled hauntingly at him making his confident smirk falter.

"Get your disgusting hand off of me, you dirty freak." I threatened darkly at him, glaring daggers at him, making him lift away his arm faster than lightning.

He's hit on me 3 times already and touches me always. He touches my shoulders or arms for no reason whatsoever. Please and thank you?

Anyway, after being condescended by people who don't know what their talking about and who have less experience than me (except Annabeth obviously, she's too badass to criticize) it was time to start the game.

Ignis // Leo ValdezWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt