Well this sucks.

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Kyras POV

It's been two weeks since my first encounter with the little elf and it's been actually pretty awesome. I got closer with Elly and the others. People have actually been getting used to me which is a miracle! I learned a lot about the others like how they saved the entire world, how Percy almost started the apocalypse with a nosebleed, and how Leo died and got reincarnated, you know no big deal just a regular taco Tuesday. I knew that a group of demigods were apart of some big prophecy and the Romans tried to, you know, kill us because of a corrupt leader but I didn't know the group of demigods were these demigods!

Then when Nico got back he refused to tell me where he was and what happened because he said I would be too "dramatic" like pshhhh me? Dramatic?? Pleaseeee... I just occasionally exaggerate...all the time.

Anyway, it's been amazing. I think I actually found a home for me. But it can't stay that way right? Nothing stays perfect and always falls apart especially with demigods.

And I was right.

It started out as normal as any other day, get up at 10 because I'm lazy, get dressed, brush teeth, try to brush my greasy hair, train, train, train, lunch, train, train, train, blah blah blah, dinner! Now looking back I wished I had just skipped it.

I brushed a part of my dinner in the brazier silently thanking mother for everything that's happened even though she probably doesn't care at all. I scurried as usual to my table trying to quickly go back to my cabin. What? Some habits die hard.

Anyway, I was eating some fruit off my plate when Chiron and a Rachel came in looking concerned and worried which I'm going to assume from now on that's not a positive sign. All the campers went dead silent when they saw them, well not dead silent but kept whispering irritatingly. Chiron and Rachel kept glancing at me. Shit, this can't be good.

"There has been a new prophecy," he declared and everyone stared at him, deadpanned and done. "Rachel?" He gestured to her to recite the new poem of death. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, sickly green smoke appearing out of her.

"The child of darkness will set forth,
Death and fire will follow north;

Seek to escape the snow will echo doom,
to bring light to the god of gloom;

A shadowed lie unwilling to be set free,
to thrive or fail the world will see."

Silence took over the pavilion as Chiron and Rachel were now completely looking at me, knowing that I may be a little crazy at times but I'm not stupid. The child of darkness was supposed to be me, no doubt about that.

"Kyra, after some consideration, Rachel and I have agreed that you are the child of darkness, being the daughter of... darkness,"he chose his words carefully and yet still incredibly poorly. Whispers broke out between the campers as I slowly slumped deeper and deeper into my seat, hoping to the gods that this was all dream and I would wake up suddenly in my cold, soothing blankets.

Soon those whispers turned into full on yelling about who should go on the quote on quote "amazing quest". I will never understand why so many demigods are so eager to volunteer to go on a death quest. I felt multiple eyes on me which just made me want to puke even more.

Suddenly Chiron spoke up, "Do you accept this quest, Kyra?"

No, you giant horses ass! Of course I don't, I hate all of you so why would I risk my life for you people!

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