The World Is Cruel

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Please do not get into strangers cars unless you have a full fledged adult with you, and even if you do please proceed with caution. Because most of the times, it's not worth it. And this unfortunately happens much more than you think.
Also don't drink anything strangers give you, I know it's tempting but please do not do that.

RAINN 24/7 Sexual Assault hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)

TW: Attempted Rape and Sexual Assault
Read at your own risk ⚠️

A million and one thoughts were sprinting through my head as I stared out the window of a strangers car nervously or apparently Desmond's car.

We talked for a while, a little introduction and some meaningless comments were tossed around. Instead of telling him my full name I just said the nickname Leo called me, Kye. I might be a dumbass for following a guy named Des into his truck but I am not giving away info about me that he does not need to know.

Of course, seeing as how we'll be in the car for a few hours there would be long awkward silences. The sun was close to going down giving me an eerie feeling in my stomach but I chose to ignore it (you a dumbass).

I kept my eyes trained on the window watching the trees sweep past us. My mind wondered back, back to all my little choices that pushed me to where I am now, hitchhiking with a total stranger to get back to my fire breathing boyfriend.

"Are you ok? Do you need some water?" Des asked side glancing my way. I looked over at the full water bottle he offered me in the cup holder. Yes I am dumb. Yes I am a teenager making the most reckless decisions of my life. But I am not drinking random stuff given by strangers.

"Oh haha, sorry. I kinda waterlogged back at the station." I replied, laughing nervously. He pressed his lips together tightly into a thin line, obviously annoyed but didn't voice it.

"Are you sure? I mean, I totally get it if you don't want to take water given to you by a stranger who left work to drive you closer to home. That's smart," He pushed, gripping the steering wheel faintly tighter than normal. I narrowed my eyes at him before quickly resetting my face to display a sweet, polite smile. I grabbed the water more aggressively than I had to, doing whatever it took for him to remain neutral towards me. I just had to get to Portland, I needed to make it there.

"No no, I trust you! I'm just being paranoid and stupid!" I lied straight through my teeth. I barely trust my friends, to hades with trusting you. I opened the water bottle easier than usual and lifted the bottle to my lips, feeling his eyes on me. I kept the water by my mouth for a few seconds but not actually sipping it before wiping my mouth and capping it triumphantly. Des smiled at me and I returned it quickly before turning back to the window presenting an ending sunset.




I fell asleep. That was my first mistake.

The second? Being a heavy sleeper.

Then there was the third. Being a girl.

Hands. Everywhere.

Why are there so many hands?

I feel them everywhere.

I can't move.

I'm frozen.

I'm being suffocated.

Like in the ocean.

The cars not moving. It was stopped on the side of the road.

Not even trying to hide.

No one was coming anyway.

I'm alone.

No one is going to stop him.

I'm helpless.


I tried to moved.

I squirmed. I scratched. I pushed. I shoved. I hit. I punched. I kicked.


Nothing will help.

It's useless.

I'm useless.

He pinned my hands to the shabby, disgusting seat, his face slightly bleeding from my claw marks.

He smiled.

He just...smiled.

My shirt got discarded.

So many hands.

I'm exposed.

Crawling up my waist.


Up my body.




He tried to take my pants off.

That was his first mistake.

The second?

He forgot to search me when he was busy groping me.

You remember that rusty old pocket knife? The one I made fun of and took to this stupid quest as a token of my family? Well, it was nothing against a monster. But a mortal? I could easily kill them with blood loss or tetanus. Whatever came first.

And thankfully I put it in my pocket when we got to the bridge. Just in case. The pocket in my pants. My almost bare chest heaved in desperation to kill this sleaze. I looked him dead in his maniacal eyes, enraged, and kicked him in the crotch. He cried out in pain and used this chance to jump in the backseat to grab the old pocketknife from my pocket.

He whipped his head up to me, fury encasing his eyes as he glared at me. He came at me but before he could grab my wrist again I flailed my knife at him, slashing his leg in the process. He hissed, clutching his leg in agony causing him to divert his attention from me. I unlocked and opened the car door to run far, far away but then came up with another idea. I glared at him with all the rage I could muster before punching him in the jaw and kicking him out of the car.

His bleeding body fell out into the night and fell on the muddy ground. I quickly closed the door, locking it and jumped into the drivers seat. My heart was pounding, my breath haggard, and my hair was slicked to my skin with sweat but I was still going, wanting to get the hades out of this state.

Suddenly, I heard angry pounding outside the car but refused to look at the creep. As my hands aggressively shook from fear and shock, I shifted to neutral and turned the key. The truck engine roared, draining out the desperate pounding coming from outside as I pulled into drive. I stomped on the gas pedal, starting out rough until I got used to the wheel as I tried to keep my tears from spilling. I glanced up at the review mirror, a dark figure limping towards me but failing to get close. His hands went up and fell down in frustration, keeping an eye on me until I couldn't see him anymore.

My eyes were trained on the road, focusing on keeping in between the lines. In a pure fit of anger, I open the window releasing cold air into the stolen truck and grabbed the water bottle full of drugged up liquid and threw it out the window with full force. My vision blurred as my throat tightened, letting out an desperate sob. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I kept sobbing and sobbing until I was dry with tears still driving with desperation to get away. Away from creeps, away from monsters, away from myself.


I drove for almost two hours until I found the nearest town settling in a Walmart parking lot, hiding in the corner by the bushes. I sniffed pathetically and hopped over the driver seat to the back, searching for my sweater to hide in forever. Finally finding it, I threw it on my disheveled body and checked all the doors, securing and locking them. Exhausted, I slumped next to the cold window and fell fast asleep, not bothering to check for cash or anything else remotely useful. I can deal with this tomorrow but until then I needed to rest and conserve energy.

Today, I rest. Tomorrow, I make progress without needing any help from anyone.

Ignis // Leo ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now