I Loved You

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Leo POV :D

Leo was in Bunker nine working on an invention like always. You know the usual, trying not to blow up you and your metal dragon like the last 7 times. He was so concentrated he didn't even hear Kyra walk up to him.

"Excuse me sir, you do realize it's lunch right?" She asked with her regular blank, seemingly emotionless face, crossing her arms. Leo looked up at the clock and sure enough it was past noon, meaning he was due for another major lecture.

"I swear I didn't mean to miss it I just got so caught up in this and I'm trying to figure out the wiring and it's just a entire mess I'm trying to figure out—" Leo said throwing up his hands in defense but got cut off by Kye.

"Leo Leo Leo calm down it's fine, you're fine, I'm fine." Kyra said putting her hands on his shoulders looking him in his eyes for a long period of time. "But if you do it again you are so dead."

"I swear I won't do it again, you don't have to kill me," Leo mused with his accustomed elf smirk. "And I'm sorry I worried you." He joked placing his hand on her cheek adoringly with his eyes trying to memorize every little detail of her face. Like he knew in the back of his head that he wouldn't be able to see it for a while.

"What are you looking at?" Kyra questioned, confused over his staring, still looking into his eyes.

"Just the most gorgeous woman in the world," Leo answered simply, dipping his lips onto hers. "I love you."

"Oh Leo..." Kyra whispered looking him deep into his eyes and placed her hand on his cheek in return softly.

"You can't be in love with someone who's dead."

And just like that, everything shattered around him.


"I'm not here Leo. I'm gone. You have to realize that," Kyra stated, blood dripping from her mouth as she talked. Leo jumped backwards in shock, bumping into his desk.

"N-no! You can't be—you can't-"

"You have to wake up Leo. I'm dead. And it's all your fault."

"Stop it!" Leo choked, tears streaming down his wide eyes.

Her face turned into something you would see out of a horror movie. Blood was gushing from her mouth as she screamed and her veins turned black and blue, trailing all around her body.

"Wake up, Leo. Wake up!" Kyras booming voice suddenly morphed into Pipers.

Leo jolted awake, whipping his head around trying to find Kyra, expecting her to be sitting right next to him like usual but she wasn't there. Her chair that she usually sat in with her feet propped up onto Leo's lap was empty except for the book she was reading before the quest. When he looked to his left, realizing something was on his shoulder he only saw Pipers worried face, her hand still on his shoulder from shaking him awake.

"Did you fall asleep here? Isn't that the third time this week? You really need to start using your bed again," Piper questioned as Leo rubbed the sleep from his eyes in exhaust. Ever since the group of demigods left for their quest, Leo had done the same thing he did before to cope, throw himself in his work. Of course, he still tried to go out to eat and left the bunker to deliver weapons and other various inventions but that was pretty much it.

"Sleeping's just so easy for me I can do it with my eyes closed. I'm that amazing." Leo joked, pushing his stress down forcefully and smiling with ease. Piper stared at him for that awful joke, giving him a knowing look.

"Leo...Kyra's going to be fine. The girl can take down people twice her size, for god's sake. You should be more worried for the monsters," Piper mused making Leo laugh weakly at the thought of Kyra chasing scared monsters down.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Leo answered tiredly. He rubbed his eyes again in effort to try to get the image of the nightmare version of Kyra out of his stupid brain.

"I'm always right. Now come on, breakfast is ready," Piper said, beginning to drag Leo out of his hole. He looked at the unusually empty chair wistfully. 'I'll be right back,' he thought, almost expecting to hear Kyra's soft voice respond to him.

When they were walking to the pavilion, they spotted group of demigods standing around the big house anxiously. Leo and Piper shared a look as if to say, 'What the hades is up with them?'

They both headed to the big house to see what was going on, shoving past the nervous looking kids. When they saw Leo they immediately stepped back though making him raise an eyebrow. The campers gave him looks of pity which, of course, made Leo even more weary and confused.

They walked up the creaking stairs to the big house, concerned. They looked for Chiron, finding him in the infirmary talking to two injured demigods sitting on a cot.

In closer inspection, they realized it was Elly and Jace who both had dirty, tear-stained faces and red eyes. Jaces leg was being supported by a pillow with bandages wrapped tightly around their ankle. When Chiron finally noticed Leo and Piper he turned to them with same look as all the others had on, pity and remorse.

"What happened? Why are they back so soon?" Piper asked, confusion prominent on her face as she looked at the other two demigods and their broken state.

"Mx. Nguyen has informed me that the quest ended up falling through and they both had to retreat back to camp." Chiron sighed, pursing his lips together which confused Leo even further, feeling his heart quicken.

"Wait both? Then where- where's Kyra?"

"Leo..." Elly sniffed from her cot, tears streaming from her eyes again at the very thought of Kyra. Jace wrapped an arm around Elly shoulder in an effort to comfort her, giving Leo a remorseful look. Elly pressed her lips together to avoid letting out her sobs, her bottom lip slightly quivering.

"Kyra didn- she didn't make it." Elly finally mustered it out, her body shaking from holding back her anguish. Piper inhaled a shaky breath sharply, putting her hand over her mouth in shock. Leo thought he heard her say something else but couldn't make it out, every sound around him was muffled to his ears. The room felt like it had begun spinning as his vision blurred from the tears spilling from his eyes.

This can't be happening. I have to be having a nightmare. I refuse to believe it. Not her. Anything but her.

What was the point of meeting you in the first place? What was the point of telling you all my dumb jokes and watching you smile and laugh? What was the point of getting to know you? What was the point of any of this?

What was the point of loving you?

Ignis // Leo ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now