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Kyras POV

Well, that was pathetic and now they know I'm pathetic. Great.
Although I think they didn't despise me so that a positive, I guess. I knew vaguely that they were the seven demigods that single-handily saved the entire planet by an evil primordial goddess, you know, no big whoop. Casual taco Tuesday.

I learned that Hazel and Frank were at camp Jupiter busy doing Roman stuff. I haven't met Frank but I have 'befriended' Hazelnut. I officially met Piper, Jason, Percy, and Annabeth who I now ship with all my shriveled up little heart.

Will dragged Nico over which then prompted me to embarrass the hell out of Nico and that lead to me being shoved off my seat and me laughing my ass off on the floor. Let's just say it was kinda awesome, besides the whole me screaming in my head every 5 seconds about how I'm an embarrassment to mankind and how they all hate me probably. But push that aside for a moment, it was...nice. Being open as possible with me. Maybe living at camp won't be all that bad, maybe I could actually enjoy it.

Before I knew it, it was lights out. Boooo, whatever happened to staying up till 2am and getting up at noon?! Everyone went to their respected cabins but I however lingered looking up at the night, smiling. Thanks mom. Maybe having the lady of the night as your mother isn't the worst thing in the world.

Yeah duh dude, it's not like you have cancer get over yourself.

Again, talking to yourself. Stop being crazy, Kyra.

"Whatcha doing?" I jumped and heard laughter from behind. I whipped my body around to see my elf standing right in front of me. I glared jokingly at him, crossing my arms. "Gotcha," He said grinning. Seriously, he's like the Cheshire Cat, always grinning.

"Hey, you did that on purpose! I was right next to you but you were too blind to see me so there's no reason to go seeking revenge!" I huffed as he laughed.

"And you didn't answer my question," he said mimicking me by crossing his arms and huffing dramatically.

"I was just...looking up at the sky." I answered gesturing up. "It's beautiful tonight." He looked up.


"Meh?! Oh come on! All the stars are out tonight, it's breathtaking!" I said slightly pushing him. He smiled and glanced down at me.

"You know who's more beautiful though?" My face heated up, gods, he is serious with that cheesy pick up line?



"ExCuSe mE?" He burst out laughing. "Did you just hit on yourself?"

"Maybe?" He grinned cheekily, I snorted.

"Wow, now that's impressive," I said sarcastically.

"Well I am just that amazing." He leaned his arm on a tree trunk behind him and missed terribly. My eyes widened as he jerked forward, spinning his arms like helicopter blades trying desperately not to fall but failing miserably. I tried walking forward to catch him but as usual I'm useless and he falls backwards.

"Pfttt-bwhaha..." Before I could stop myself I bursted out laughing. He shot up, red as a tomato. I wiped my eyes, "Oh my gods...that was amazing. Oh Zeus, that was so stupid it was almost adorable." I snorted trying to contain my laughter even more. Standing up quickly, he smirked. Gods, this boy's going to be death of me, I swear.


"Don't flatter yourself Elfie, I said almost," I answered, hoping secretly he couldn't hear my anxious heartbeat.

"I'll take it, princesa." Don't blush don't blush don't blush don't blush. Be cool, Kyra, be cool.

I opened my mouth to say something but was ever so rudely interrupted by the screech of a harpy and the sound of wings close by. It dawned on me that it was pitch black outside except for the moonlight and all the campers were safely inside their cabins. Well schist.

"I think that's our cue to leave." He nodded and we began scurrying back to the cabins. He turned to walk towards the Hephaestus cabin but turned back to me.

"What cabin do you belong to anyway? I saw you shadow travel earlier."

"The Nyx cabin," I blurted out. Wow, way to go Kyra. Now he knows you're a weirdo. He looked surprised but didn't look disgusted so that's a positive.

"Oh. Cool!" I looked back at him to see he was still smiling at me. Actually smiling.

"Yeah. Cool." Another screech from the harpies getting nearer signaling to hurry it up.
"Well...bye." I said awkwardly.

"Oh uh yeah bye see you tomorrow hopefully!" He turned to walk away. I stepped towards him wanting to at least make some move, anything, but I'm too much of a coward. So hesitantly, I walk to my cabin as I scolded myself along the way for being such a godsdamn wuss.

I finally got to my cabin, right in the corner of the camp. It was slightly apart from the other, shadowing itself off from the others which was a brutal reminder that I, well, suck. It was a pitch black with hints of dark blue and a crescent moon on the top of the doorway. There were only two windows with black curtains shutting off any shred of light from peeping in. It was plain, dark, and slightly scary but hey, it was mine.

I opened the door and shut it quickly because I heard a scarily close screech and I was less than keen to be a midnight snacc for the harpies. I looked around the room the way I left it this morning. Same old wardrobe in the corner, same old big rickety bookshelf shoved with all the books it can hold. My Stygian sword was sitting on my wardrobe, the only thing I have from my nonexistent mother. Thanks a lot mom, instead of a Barbie doll on my 11th birthday I got a sword. Since there have only been a handful of children of Nyx over a millennium, there's only 2 beds with one set in the other corner of the room. I always felt at peace in here, like I was truly home. (Picture of cabin above)

I change in my pjs and finally go to bed with a thousand thoughts in my head, all revolving around a certain Latino Christmas elf.

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