Uno Reverse Bitc-

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Here's a dramatic death scene as celebration for 10k reads :DD

Leo walked silently through the streets of New York, no one in sight for miles and no cars either. Just emptiness.

He whipped his head around to find somebody, anybody, but all he found was emptiness and concrete buildings. And then he heard it. Humming. The softest, most angelic, hauntingly beautiful, humming he had heard in his life. Suddenly, he saw a dark figure a few hundred feet away from him and he ran forward with out thinking, just thankful to finally see someone.

"Hey! Hey, uh, what happened? Where did everyone go?" Leo questioned the figure as he ran up to them but they ignored him and continued to hum under their breath like he wasn't even there. "Hey, what are you...? He tried again to get an answer but immediately froze when he was only ten feet away and the person turned to meet his eyes. She was dressed in an elaborate looking dress that looked like something from a fantasy book with princesses and knights with gold and black iron bracelets and bands around her arms and wrists.

"Kyra?" Leo breathed out in a whisper as Kyra continued to hum like she was in a daze before finally squinting at Leo in slight confusion but only barely as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"Leo? What are you doing here?" She cocked her head in surprise, her voice soft and quiet with an air of sadness surrounding it but it was sort of hard to tell since her face was slack-jawed and her eyes were glazed over.

"What am I...? What are you doing here?" He shot back in distress but she didn't react and only continued to stare at him blankly. Having enough of her only semi-consciousness, he took only two strides toward her before placing his hands on her shoulders, debating whether or not to shake her awake to functionality. "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Leo interrogated her frantically, shaking her lightly as he tried to get her to look him in the eye but she seemed to be looking a thousand miles through him. His questions caused her to smile an eery, horror movie-esqe smile.

"Why wouldn't I be fine?" She asked like he was asking the most amusing, nonsensical questions ever. "My life will finally mean something," she smiled and before Leo could demand she elaborate he heard a drip below him and looked down to see red gushing from the center off her stomach and the tip of a black blade extending out of her body.

His eyes widened in horror as her face wavered before completely going unconscious and falling into his arms. With the drop of her body, taking Leo down with her to the ground as he cradled her body to his chest he looked up to find Nyx with blood streaming from the dagger in her hands.

"I got you. It's gonna be okay, you're going to be okay," Leo tried to convince himself with tears streaming from his eyes as blood oozed out of her body, covering them both in crimson. She seemed to come out of her trance, her eyes focusing on him and she could finally see him.

"Leo?" Kyra murmured weakly like she was just realizing he was there before her eyes glossed over and she drew her final breath, going limp in his arms. His heart dropped.

"Kyra? Kyra, come on..." He choked, shaking her to wake up but it wasn't something she could wake up from. "Please stay with me. Please, for the love of the gods, stay with me!" Leo screamed but it was too late.

And then he woke up.

He jolted up from the bed and whipped his head around the room that was filled with bright orange light signaling dawn and looked down, expecting a sleeping Kyra next to him but it was empty. His heart sank.

Today was her deaths one year anniversary.

Nah, I'm just kidding she was in the doorway with a plate of eggs and bacon in her hands.

Ignis // Leo ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now