For The Rest Of My Life

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You ever just stay awake till 2:15 am bawling your eyes out with the realization that you're going to die cold and alone! 😀

Well this is the product of that breakdown. hAhAHa I'm not okay.


Leo's heart was beating out his chest as he paced the roof of his apartment complex anxiously. He had been planning this months, and an entire year since he got the idea. He had planned every detail, like one does in such a momentous occasion but a bit too obsessively. White rose petals trailed toward him with candles lining the path which followed from his apartment that he shared with Kyra to the fire escape that led all the way to the roof.

A dark wooden box sat in his sweaty hand as he clutched it desperately. He could remember the last time he had made a box just like this to ask her something very differently.

"Leo, you in here?" Jason called to his best friend as he walked into the bunker before finally spotting him hunkered down at his desk, tinkering with a small wooden box. "What're you doing?" He asked him curiously from right behind him causing him to jump, the box jumping with him in the air and Leo snatched it before it hit the table and broke, clutching it to his chest. They both eyed each other warily as Jason gave him a look. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Leo feigned ignorance as he clutched the box like it was his lifeline in his lap, hiding it from his view.

"The thing you're hiding in your arms," Jason pressed, gesturing to the delicate box making Leo sigh and place it on his desk with a red face. He opened it begrudgingly revealing a tiny spinning Festus twirling around with smoke coming out of his mouth, a soft melody filling the room. "Why do you have a jewelry box?"

"Why don't you have a jewelry box is the better question, dude," Leo argued making Jason squint at him even though he had his glasses on his face.

"Why would I have a jewelry box, Leo?" He questioned like a sigh, exasperated at his friends argument already.

"You know, to keep...all your jewels in one," Leo reasoned awkwardly and slowly like he was talking to a toddler and it finally dawned on Jason why he had the box, a grin sprouting from his lips.

"This is for the new girl who punched Stephen in the face, isn't it?"

"His name is Stephen? I always thought his name was Chad," Leo nervously laughed, trying to change the subject but Jason just stared at him with a somewhat proud grin that he was finally moving on. "And also she isn't new, she's been here for months," he stammered in another attempt to derail the conversation. Suddenly the Bunker Nine door opened to reveal Piper walking in.

"What're you guys doing in here, it's a gorgeous day outside," Piper started to lecture but in reality she just didn't want to be alone with her siblings anymore and needed normal company for once but Jason stopped her.

"Leo's in love with the girl who punched Stephen in the face," he informed her with a laugh causing Piper to gape at him with a smile.


"I knew it! Hurry up and ask her because if you guys get together by the end of the week Annabeth owes me 10 Drachmas!" Piper urged with a grin causing both of them to stare at her.

"You bet on me?" Leo demanded incredulously and she simply shrugged, unashamed.

"10 Drachmas is 10 Drachmas, dude," she argued with her hands up in surrender causing him to huff at both of them. "And she's obviously in to you," she encouraged to change the subject of betting on her friends love life. Leo played with the box uneasily in his hands, looking down anxiously.

Ignis // Leo ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now