Soft Spot

497 19 15

Surprise surprise it's-Elly's POV

I was bored out of mind wanting to do something fun, as usual. Seriously, for a camp filled to the brim with amazing and all powerful demigods it sure is mind numbingly boring most of the time.

I was currently talking to Amanda after archery training. Not that I needed training, since I perfected my aim already but I'm bored and I need to fill the void in my life with something.

Amanda had her head leaning on tree trunk, the light through the leaves hitting her iris just right making them go to a hazelnut brown and illuminating her perfect dark brown skin. Her coily dark brown hair in a lose ponytail with a couple of leaves still stuck in it.

"I'm bored...!" I moaned while lying on a log with my head upside down, a few inches away from the ground. Amanda put her hand on her chest dramatically.

"Did you just say I'm-gasp-boring?!"

"Of course not! You're the most interesting person in the whole world, darling!" I exclaimed more dramatic than her. I only called her darling when we were joking or being exaggerate.

"But seriously, I want to do something besides talking! Like a competition or something..." I trailed off putting on my exaggerated thinking face. I looked around, trying to find an idea on what to do when I saw it. Er-saw her.

Kyra was sitting underneath the shade like usual, reading a new book with her usual poker face. She held her book above her nose, only showing her shifting, almost sparkling, shiny black eyes, like she was trying not to be seen. No, like she was used to being unseen.

To be honest I almost missed her, instead of the bright orange camp shirt she willingly, and I'm guessing consciously, chose to wear a oversized, dingy sweater and grass-stained ripped jeans with old, overused sneakers.

She also made it extra super-duper hard to see her because of her long pitch black hair covering most of her face. Thinking about it I probably have never ever seen her with her hair up. Trust me, I love her but how she has a boyfriend, I will never know.

"I got it!" I yelled a little too loudly. Amanda looked over to me with a raised eyebrow, signaling me to go on.

"First one to make Kyra laugh gets... ten drachmas from the loser, AKA you."

"Oh you are so on, Dayton!"


First up was me because I came up with the brilliant and awe-inspiring idea. I walked over to Kyra confidently knowing I was ten drachmas richer.

"What do you want Elly?" She asked quickly glancing up at me before going right back to her book.

"Hey Kyra you know, I threw a boomerang a few years ago. I still live in constant fear." I said hauntingly. She glanced back up at me giving me a confused look.

"Elly, what are you talking about?"

"Ok fine, it's boyfriend accused me of being immature. I told him to get out of my fort so now we're in a big fight." I said sadly turning away dramatically which only made her more confused.

"If you're trying to be funny it's not working sweetheart." Oh come on dude, just laugh!

"You want me to laugh? Why?"  I cursed myself. Oh schist, I said that out loud!

"Yeah you did say that out loud. Look, do you need something?" I began sweating nervously and slowly started moonwalking away while Kyra stared awkwardly at me as I tried not to trip over something.

It was now Amanda's turn. I watched her creep over to Kyra while I watched in the bushes but, like, in a totally non-stalkerish kinda way.

"Hey Kyra!" Amanda said smiling pleasantly. She looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey?" She said making it sound like a question rather than a greeting.

"Where does the General keep his armies?" She paused waiting for Kyra to say "where?" but she never did. Instead she stared at Amanda with the blankest of expressions. Amanda waited a few moments, still smiling awkwardly at Kyras lack of humor.

"Up his sleevies! Hahaha...ha ha..." She laughed, her smile falling slightly at Kyras confused face. "Get it? Because...sleeves uh-go in arms er... I-I mean...arms go-go in sleeves..." She trailed off nervously, her voice faltering going quieter and quieter the more she talks.

"Amanda, I don't know what you and Elly think you're trying to do but whatever it is please leave me out of it. Also tell Elly I said hi and that bush isn't doing her any favors." She replied bluntly closing her book and shadow traveled away leaving me and Amanda flustered and completely embarrassed.

What just happened?

"Can't even believe it! Not even a stupid smile!"

"Right? Like what does it take to make that woman happy?"

We were sulking on the grass, never to make a joke again for the rest of our lives. We had wasted the entire day trying to make Kyra laugh. Nothing. I was looking around pouting when I saw Kyra on a log reading the same stupid book.

I stood up going to at least try to beat Amanda at this stupid competition when I stopped. Leo walked over to Kyra happily, grease (or was that dirt?) smeared on his face.

"Hey princessa, how much does a polar bear weigh?" He paused. "Enough to break the ice."

He wrapped his arm protectively around her shoulders, smiling. I expected her to push his arm away or make a very sarcastic comment but she didn't. Instead she rolled her eyes and smiled at him playfully. Wha...

"That was absolutely terrible." She stated while still smiling. She raised her hand towards his arm, I thought she was going to push it away this time but again, she didn't. She placed her hand on his, holding it. Dang, even I have admit that's cute.

"Yet you're smiling." He stated, raising his eyebrow.

"It appears so. Weird isn't it?"

"Very. Hey, do you know why koalas aren't actual bears?" She chuckled rolling her eyes again, shaking her head at him.

"No I don't but I'm sure you're going to tell me in a horrible pun."

"Because they don't meet the koalafications!" Leo said proudly making Kyra laugh. Kyra laughed. At that trash pun! Betrayal.

"No I'm pretty sure it's because koalas are marsupials and because they're completely useless." She chuckled making Leo pout.

"Don't bash on koalas, they're amazing even though they don't meet the standards of bears." Kyra laughed again shaking her head at her boyfriend.

"You're an idiot." She laughed, looking at him they were the only ones in the world.

I hesitantly sat down next to Amanda who was watching the whole thing.

"Look at them with their...weird love." Amanda pouted, watching them flirt. I looked at her and glanced back at the couple flirting. Kyra looking the happiest I've seen her today and Leo looking proud that he could hold her like that.


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