I stopid

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Kyra Dahers POV

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!

Why did I do that? Now everybody knows I exist! They shouldn't know I exist! Hell, no one should know who I am! Why the Tartarus did I do that!? Oh I know it's because I'm a stupid idiot! I'm below the average idiot!

But chad did deserve it...

Yeah but Nico could easily handle himself!

Chad deserves to suffer for what he said...

I agree with you there bu- wait why am I talking to myself? Right, because I'm a stupid crazy idiot!

Ugh, now people will expect to see me. Well plot twist people, I like living in my little shadow house.

Now that's a complete lie if I've ever seen one.

I thought I told you to shut up!

Now back to business, figuring out what to do next. Now I have to go back out there for stable cleaning and figure out how to effectively avoid people. Gods know how people will react when they figure out Nyx had a kid...wait.

I just shadow traveled in front of strangers. Damnit! And Hazel isn't going to lie for me, Hades, she can't even lie when she wants to! Now people will be afraid of me before I've even talked to them, not like that wasn't even going to happen in the first place.

Although I am sick of being in the shadows 24/7. The only time I leave is when I train and when I steal food from the kitchen. Everyone is blind at this camp so they don't notice me even when I've been here for 6 months full time. But to be fair, it's my fault. Even when I finally decided to stay and live here I stayed away from people in general. See, I've always known I was a child of Nyx since I was 5 when I shadow traveled across my house. Then after that...well, all my problems started after that. Then I learned how to become a shadow, own my powers, and finally find my place in the darkness. It's depressing really. But it's my home, my kingdom, and I can't just abandon it. No matter how much I want to.

Well, at least that's what I tell myself. In reality, I'm just a socially awkward teenager with mommy issues. Seriously, I need to get out more. I can't even form a coherent sentence in front of a person. The only friends I've ever made are Nico and Hazel which is only because I'm territorial around shadow travel and forced Nico to be my friend.

I'm just lucky I have anybody to talk to. Most people are withdrawn to talk to me seeing as though I'm kind of a...dark person, pun intended obviously. Being the daughter of the personification of night and everything that is evil in this world, it's surprising how many people don't want to be your friend.

Yes, it's stupid. Yes, it's depressing. But that's just how I am. And...now I sound like those girls who scream that 'they're not like other girls!' Trust me, I don't mean to be like that. I would give anything to be a normal mortal with nothing to fear except for their embedding death of either cancer or a heart attack.

I just really hope Nico keeps his mouth shut about me.

Ignis // Leo ValdezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora