Worth It

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"I told you I was going to get sick! But did anyone listen to me? NO." I yelled at Elly beneath my covers trying to get warm yet failing horribly. I could feel Elly roll her eyes above me.

"Oh stop being so dramatic. Will said you should be better by tomorrow. Being sick isn't the end of the world you know." I popped my head out of my plush blankets to glare menacingly at her.

"To you maybe. I barely got a childhood outside of a hospital and I am not going back!" I shuttered thinking of all the needles and pills I had to go through when I was a kid. It wasn't until I was about 10 till I slowly got better. It was also one of the many, many, many reasons I will forever say free medical care is a human right.

"Don't worry, I promise you'll be better by tomorrow." She said smiling kindly. "Anyway, here's some soup from the pavilion. Oh, and your apple you asked for." She said handing me the food. I was visibly surprised because she raised an eyebrow.

"What? It's just chicken noodle soup." She said looking upset at the idea of me being troubled.

"Oh it's nothing, just....some old memories. Thank you, Elly. Really." I said giving her a weak and small smile making her surprised.

"Oh...you're welcome. It's nothing, really." She replies walking towards the door to avoid getting sick. "And if you need anything at all just call for me!" She offered and walked out the door waving.

Great now I'm alone. I would usually find this positively amazing on any other day but since I'm sick I can't do anything but sleep and eat. Wait...

I could actually get used to this.


I tried to snuggle up in my blankets to get some sleep but my stomach said otherwise. I am now laying in the fetal position trying to contain my vomit. Like a proper lady.

I groaned clutching my stomach but it suddenly vanished without a warning. Wha-

Then it hit me. The dreaded headache. I clutched my head from splitting apart and ran to my cabinet to grab the Tylenol. I immediately threw 4 in my mouth and shoved them down my throat. I hesitated for a second, looking at the bottle, wondering if you could overdose on Tylenol. 'Ya know...death can't be that bad.'

But I unfortunately decided against it and threw myself onto my bed head first hoping to get some sleep for a few hours of peace. No luck.

After an hour I finally managed to slip into my dreamscape only to be knocked out by the door opening and silently closing. I groaned loudly which was muffled against my pillow. I heard a familiar soft chuckle and a dip in my bed.

"Hey, I heard you were sick. How're you feelin'?" I groaned louder in my pillow making Leo laugh beside me.

"I'm going to take that as 'I'm doing amazing, Leo! Thank you for being the coolest, kindest, hottest, most amazing boyfriend in the entire universe!" He exaggerated,  putting on the most horrible impression of me I've ever heard. Granted, I've never even heard an impression of me before.

But I laughed at the horrible impression, maybe out of pity or maybe because Leo just has that weird affect on me. I begrudgingly lift my head off the pillow and twist my body painfully to look at Leo. I generally have no idea why he didn't dump in the spot seeing as how I looked like utter trash but whatever it's Leo, he's weird.

He looked at me with concern and lifted his hand to my forehead to check my temp. I closed my eyes, his warm hand soothing my pounding head.

"Why are so cold?"

"Why are you so ho-warm?" He laughed looking smug making me roll my eyes. "You know what I mean." I said weakly glaring at him.

"I know, I know." He leaned over to kiss me but I held out my hand to block him.

Ignis // Leo ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now