I'm a Great Actor

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"Yo, Will! Have you seen my pocketknife?"

"What pocketknife?" He looked up from the other side of the room confused, with his eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"You know, the rusty old knife I had in my pocket? When I passed out?" I pressed checking my pockets for the fifth time, feeling nothing for the fifth time again.

"You didn't have anything in your pockets, Kyra. Besides blood anyway," he responded still confused and concerned I had officially gone mental.

"That's weird..." I mumbled to myself checking underneath the bed if it had fell before he saw it. It was the only I had to remember jaddi and jaddah which was just great.

"Hey Kyra?"

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked but was slightly muffled from me putting my whole head underneath my cot to check for my knife while still sitting on it.

"How did you get a broken nose and black eye?" I blinked as my mind drew a blank, freezing. I gave an airy laugh and immediately exited from the bottom of the bed.

I can still see the body.

"Ah well an Empousa kinda got a little violent and when I tried to run away I fell flat on face haha. Luckily I wasn't a main character in a 90's horror film and got away before she could any real damage," I laughed easily.

I still can't drink out of plastic water bottles without wanting to puke.

"Empousa don't normally punch people," Will replied, not looking at me as he cleaned random medical supplies. "You don't seem like the type to fall so easily, especially during a fight. Also how violent did that empousa get? Because the amount of blood you showed up in doesn't match your wounds. And when you fell you didn't try to push out your hands to catch your fall?"

Please shut up.

"I was too startled to stick out my hands. I didn't know what was happening since I tripped over an uneven part of the concrete."

I still feel his hands.

"You weren't paying attention to where you stepped?"

Shut up.

"No, I was too busy running for my life."


"Too busy to check your surroundings? Because here's the thing, you aren't just some stupid main character in a 90's horror film, you are a highly trained fighter."

Shut up, shut up, shut up.

"What are you trying to imply, Will? That I'm lying about being attacked for shits and giggles?"

"No, I know you were attacked. But I don't think it was from those types of monsters," Will replied finally looking up from his supplies to look me in the eye.

Just shut up.

"I-oh hey Neeks!" I greeted as I saw the familiar emo boy walk in the doorway, holding a plate of food. "Did you know you're boyfriend is excruciatingly irritating?" I asked smiling.

"Yes, actually," he replied nonchalantly, handing me a plate stuffed full of potatoes and peas. I looked at him expectantly. "What?"

"Remember your promise...?"

"I didn't promise anything."

"Oh come on! I fought Myermekes and cyclops and-"

"Empousa?" Will piped up from the corner of the infirmary making Nico turn to him with furrowed eyebrows in confusion.

Ignis // Leo Valdezحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن