Campfires and Fire boys

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The real universal question that everybody asks themselves at least once in their lives.

How the hell do you talk to people?

I was sitting below an oak tree reading Wicked when I see a figure running up to me. As they got closer I saw it was a daughter of Demeter from the pavilion."Uh...hi?" I said which sounded more like a question.

"Hi! You must be new here since I haven't seen you around, my name is Elly." She said extending her right hand. I hesitantly shook it narrowing my eyes suspiciously. She didn't seem like the type of girl to actually talk to me. She had sun bleached auburn hair in a pixie cut, bright hazel eyes, and a sickening bright smile that weirdly made me want to punch her for being this happy.

"I-I'm Kyra, Kyra Daher." I stuttered, not really knowing how to properly have a conversation with a stranger.

"Ah, right! You're the girl that sucker punched Chad, that was awesome! So how long have you been here?" Crap, I hoped she wouldn't ask that. What do I say? I mean if I answer honestly then it'll just be awkward but I can't lie!

"I've been here for 2 months." WHY DID I SAY THAT SO AWKWARDLY. Oh gods, she's looking awkward. I'm so sorry.

"O-oh uh, sorry I just haven't seen you around." She replied probably looking for a way out of this conversation which I couldn't blame her for.

"To be honest, I'd be concerned if you did see me. I kinda blend in with a crowd normally. You know, when I'm not punching people," I said making a sad attempt at a joke and nervously laughed. HOLY HERA, it actually worked, she laughed! Thank gods.

"Ha, well I just wanted to tell you we have a campfire every night and I hope you can make it." Wait a campfire? At night? With people? At night?

"Yeah that's what I just said," she replied looking confused making me realize I said all that out loud.

"Uh...yeah, sure I-I can make it," I stammered out but I could barely hear myself over the internal screaming that was happening inside my head. Am I even allowed near other campers at night?

"Cool! I guess I'll see you around Kyra," she grinned happily at me before walking away with a hop in her step, almost like she was literally skipping away.



I sat in the darkness of my void, you know, questioning my life. Like the usual teen. I checked my watch, thanking my mother that I have night vision. 8:30. 30 more minutes. Why did I agree to this again? Oh right, because I'm a idiot.

My heart was racing and I felt like I was going to throw up. Okay Kyra, take a deeply breath. In, out, in, out. Ok I'm ready.

NO I'M NOT I'M GOING TO DIE. WHAT IF PEOPLE START HATING ME EVEN MORE? WHAT IF THEY REALIZE THAT I'M JUST LIKE MY MOTHER AND THEY WANT ME DEAD? WHAT IF THEY START BEING AF- no calm down, breathe and picture the camp and travel there. Close your eyes and breathe, in, out, in, out.

I open my eyes to the darkness of not my void but the camp, the only light showing is the distant glow of the biggest golden fire I have ever seen.

I blended in with the darkness and walked towards the light (I wish I was dying) hoping they couldn't see me. The Apollo kids were singing weird campfire songs and half the other kids were singing along. Most people were talking with their friends and I immediately felt my heart sink. I had just realized I had no where to sit, do I sit on the ground, do I just stand awkwardly, do I ASK a stranger if I could sit there??

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