So I Guess We're Dating...?

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Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee COFFEE

I woke up to be greeted by the familiar grin belonging to the head of Elly above me.

"Ughhh what are you doing here, Elle?" I groaned looking at my blinking clock to see it was 8AM. Is this my life now? A weird grinning girl who breaks in to my cabin is just a common part in my life now?

"Hey I wanted to wake you up at 1AM but I am a kind, amazing friend and waited till 8." She stated proudly. I groaned again and covered my face with my quilt but Elly unfortunately removed it, still smiling.

"So...?" She trailed off looking at me like I was the most interesting person in the world.

"So? Elly just tell me why you are here and how you keep getting in."

"Okay, first, I picked your lock, which was surprisingly easy by the way." I raised a eyebrow, that's...wrong on so many levels but I'm just going to ignore that.  "Second, you just went on your first date! How was it?"

"What makes you think it was my first date?" I questioned, she gave me look. "Okay fine, it was my first date and it was really good. Can I go back to sleep now?"

"Fine... but I need every detail at lunch."

"Aw, that's so cute, you think I'll get up before noon."


As usual, I was reading under a tree in the shadows, trying to finish my other book. I have set goal of reading at least 12 books to be beat my former record. Of course it wasn't really working since it was one of those days where I had to reread every sentence 12 times to fully understand and read it. Stupid brain.

"Kyra!" I looked up to see Elly scurrying up to me looking eager as ever.

"Uhhh oh! I totally forgot I had that thing with Leo today, sorry I have to go." I lied straight through my teeth. She looked at me suspiciously but before she could interrogate me I shadow traveled away. I didn't know where I was going but it definitely is better than describing my love life to Elly.

I popped into bunker 9 to see Leo working on a strange machine about the size of my hand. I looked over his shoulder curiously with him not noticing me.

"Whatcha working on?" He flinched but didn't fall out of his chair and quickly relaxed so that's good progress.

"I'm working on a prototype of a new type of phone that doesn't attract monsters so demigods can communicate and get in contact with new demigods better." He said smiling concentrating on the prototype.

"Cool, do you need any help with it? I mean, I'm pretty ignorant on mechanics but I'll help out anyway I can." I offered, part of me just wanting to hide from Elly but the other part just really wanted to spend time with my Christmas elf.

"In that case can you hand me the tools from that toolbox?" He pointed you the toolbox a few feet away from him. I nodded even though he didn't see me. I sat next to him and started handing him the tools he asked for and putting the tools back when he was done. This went on for about an hour with me being greatly entertained watching Leo working.

"So why are you really here?" He said glancing briefly at me, smiling lightly. I gasped quietly, putting a hand over my heart dramatically.

"How dare you I just wanted to spe- I'm in need of hiding from Elly." I said dropping my charade, he laughed lightly. "But I also kind of wanted to spend time with my boyfri- you." I blurted out, stopping myself but it was already too late. I prayed to the gods he didn't hear me but, unfortunately, my luck is not even close to that good.

He dropped everything he was doing instantly and slowly turned his chair towards me with the smuggest little smirk I have ever seen in my entire life. Can I please just dig a hole and die here or is that not an option?

"What'd you say? I couldn't quite hear you." He said putting a hand behind his ear, smirking.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied instantly with irritability laced in my voice.

"No no, go back. I would love to hear what you said."

"I said I wanted to hang out with you, got a problem with that Valdez?" I said gritting my teeth annoyed at him and myself for slipping.

"No, no problem at all..." He trailed off, slowly turning back to his desk, grinning. "Babe." He finished, making my face heat up.

"Screwdriver please, princesa." I begrudgingly handed him the screwdriver in my embarrassment.

Well, at least I know one thing now. What I don't know is if this is a good thing or not.

Ignis // Leo ValdezUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum