Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Destiny's POV.

I laughed at the funny story Selena just told me as I went to unlock my dorm room.

I got it unlocked and walked into the room, dropping my bag on my desk as I did so.

I flopped onto my bed and groaned out of relief into my pillow whilst Selena laughed at me.

She sat down at my desk chair and propped her feet up on my desk.

I sat up and sighed. "You know, I thought that you would start I fangirl after I told you about my dad."

She smirked at me. "Oh I knew who you were. I was just trying to seem normal."
I shook my head at her as she giggled at her own answer.

She then picked something up from my desk and frowned at it. "Hey, what's this?" she asked me as she held up an envelope with my name on it.

I furrowed my brow as I took it from her and opened it.

My eyes widened in shock as I read it out loud.

You are in danger right now.
You've made me mad, and I'm going to fix that.
You will do what I say or else you can say goodbye to something you cherish and love.
Now I want you to change your relationship status.
Good luck
I hate your guts

When I finished, Selena started to laugh her head off.
"Do you really think that's real?" she asked me as she laughed.

I smirked along with her. "Of course not."

But deep down I really was concerned.

Unknown POV.

Oh poor Destiny

You have no idea what is coming for you.

I will ruin your life until you forget about your new family.

And until you break little Niall's heart.


What just happened


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