Chapter 18

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Sooooo here's a picture of Destiny

Yes, she is Maia Mitchell


Destiny's POV.

"HONEY I'M HOME!" I yelled through the house as Niall and I entered.

Shopping had gone well today.

I got shoes, shirts, pants, jumpers, beanies, shoes, shoes, and EEEKKKK SHOES!!!!

Maybe I have an obsession...


"Helloooo?" Niall called.

I walked into the kitchen and a note was sitting on the counter.


We've gone out to eat


Hope you didn't max out my card

And don't destroy the house


"What's that?" Niall came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Oh nothing." I said nonchalantly and stuffed the note in my pocket.

He laughed a little and shook his head.

"You know, you should help me put these clothes away and help me pack." I said.

He groaned loudly, but helped me lug the many shopping bags upstairs to my room.

When we got up there, I turned on the speaker system really loud and blasted the Up All Night album.

"IT'S GOTTA BE YOUUUUU!" I shouted as Niall was laughing his head off.

I ran over to my closet and put away all of the clothes we bought today whilst singing very loud.

Niall just rolled around on the floor, trying to catch his breath from laughing so much.

I walked out of my closet as I was singing Stand Up.

"IM A THIEF IM A THIEF!" I started dancing around.

And by dancing I mean flailing my arms and legs around in a strange manner.

This caused Niall to laugh even harder at my stupidity.

As the song ended, Niall managed to stand up (haha funny puns) and I dragged him downstairs.

I Want started playing and we began to tango.

Funny, right?

It's funny because I can't tango.

He started to spin me around and I get quite dizzy.

Fun fact about me.

When he stopped spinning me, I clutched onto his shirt so I wouldn't fall down as the room was spinning around me.

He smirked and stood me upright.

Then he picked me up and started to run around the house with me.

"NIALL!" I screeched as I pounded on his back with my fists.

He just laughed and continued to carry me outside as it seemed.

Please don't tell me he's gonna throw me in the pool again.

"GET AWAY FROM THE POOL!" I yelled at him as he ran towards it.

He laughed and switched his direction, "Now why would I throw you in in the first place?" he asked me.

I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see my face because its right up against his back.

He suddenly stopped running and set me down on something.

"You have a trampoline?!" I asked him.

"Yeah, you just haven't noticed it yet I guess." He said as he jumped on.

There were sleeping bags on it too.

"Are we gonna sleep out here tonight?" I asked him as I sat down.

"We sure are!" he exclaimed and sat down next to me.

I laid back and looked up at the stars.

He mimicked my actions and intertwined out fingers together.

"What a beautiful sight." He said softly.

"The stars are quite pretty tonight." I noted.

"I'm not talking about the stars." He told me.

I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up, "Shut up." I nudged him with my elbow.

"Hey, I was just trying to compliment you." He said.

"Whatever." I mumbled and turned towards him.

He turned towards me as well and smiled.

I smiled back and shivered as a cool breeze set in.

"Here, we can share." He said and took a sleeping bag, unzipped it, and draped it over both of us.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Anything for my princess." He kissed the top of my head and I smiled once more.

"Good night Nialler." I said.

"G'night Des." He said.

At that, I fell asleep in his arms.

How cliché.




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