Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

*Next Day*

It's about two in the afternoon and I had just finished putting all of my new clothes and stuff away.

I hadn't talked to Niall all day.

But I kinda wish he was here with me now.

Oooh!! I have a BRILLIANT idea!!!

I left my room and walked across the hall to Niall's.

I knocked.

Just to be polite.

He opened the door and his face brightened up.

"Hi Des!" he said cheerfully.

"Niall, I need you to drive me to the store. Like now." I said to him.

I walked past him into his room, grabbed his keys, and started pushing him downstairs to get to his car.

"Why? What do you need?" he asked, very confused.

I gave him a devilish grin. "We are going to be artists today." I answered.

He laughed and we left the house and got into his car.

*At the paint store*

"Ok so we need black, neon pink, neon orange, neon yellow, neon green, neon blue, and neon purple. Got it?" I instructed him.

He nodded and we both took off in different directions with our trolleys.

Err shopping carts.

We're having a 'race' to see who can get the most colors I guess.

Winner gets five bucks.

I'm always up for a little challenge.

*After shopping, at home*

"I clearly won! I got the green, blue, and purple!" Niall claimed as we walked into the house with our paint.

"But I got the orange, yellow, pink, and black!" I argued back as we walked up the stairs to my room.

"But the black shouldn't count! it was the easiest one!" he countered.

"Nuh uh! Now stop yelling! I won and that's that." I said triumphantly.

He grumbled and we entered my paint prepped room.

And by that, I mean Liam and Zayn took all of the furniture out, put tarps on the windows, covered the carpeting with shower curtains, and grabbed brushes and stuff for us to use.

"Now go and change into old clothes that can get dirty." I told him while pushing him towards his room.

I also entered my closet and put on a pair of old basketball shorts and a plain white tee. I also tied my hair up in a high pony tail.

When I walked out of my closet, he was pouring black paint into one of those plastic things.

He was wearing something similar to me, besides the pony tail.

"LETS DO THIS!" I shouted before picking up one of those roller things, dipping it in paint, and painting the wall.

Man this is gonna take a while.

*After two hours of painting*


"Finally!" I said, relieved and collapsed on the ground.

Niall laughed and sat down next to me.

"Now we just have to wait until it dries." he said with a smirk.

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